
The Department of Sanskrit of the Sammilani Mahavidyalaya had celebrated 25 years of its journey which had been started since 1996 with a general/elective course and since 2004 honours stream was introduced to the students. Every year a good number of students are admitted here and they are well nourished by respected faculties as result students have performed very well throughout the year which also reflected in their examination. Syllabus of the Sanskrit department fully maintained according to the CBCS system which comprises three years with six semesters. (Interested one can easily retrieve the syllabus in details from the CU official website). Since 2023 new CCF system was introduced to our students. Most of the syllabus oriented books students can easily access from our Central Library. Every year to rejuvenate the students Sanskrit department has organized State level and national level seminars and not only that for the sake of our students we have also arranged several series of extended lectures, remedial classes as well.  We have also taken some add-on courses like communicative or functional Sanskrit courses for the upliftment of our students. Several socio-cultural activities have been done by our students. We have organized Patent-Teacher meeting in every year for knowing the progress of our students. After completing bachelors a good number of students get enter into Masters though some of them have chosen other professional field also like B.ED, Nursing etc. It’s our immense pleasure to inform that some of our students were appointed as a Teacher in different schools. Presently we have three teaching staffs 1. Dr. Parthasarathi Bhattacharya (HOD), 2. Dr. Sudeshna Basu and 3. Rajyeswar Sardar (SACT) and approximately more than 70 students have been studied in our Department including honours and general.


It is our mission to provide best learning atmosphere to our students so that they get ample scope to enroll themselves in higher academic filed. We want to inculcate values in our students which will become a key-factor to create an effective and self-reliant leader in future generation.  We strive to create opportunities for them so that they are capable of imbibing proper knowledge and skill.


Our vision is to cater to the all round development of the students so that they became self sufficient citizen in our society. The department always tries to provide good educational atmosphere to our students for upliftment of their career because most of our students are belong to rural and poor economic environment of South 24 Parganas. We always tried to create a group of students who have zeal of knowledge better and dedicated himself or herself for upliftment of the society.


Dr. Sudeshna Basu

Qualification: M.A., M.Phil, PhD.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone Number: 9830229327Get Detail »

Dr. Partha Sarathi Bhattacharya

Qualification: M.A
Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone Number: 9732067652Get Detail »

Sri Rajeswar Sardar

Qualification: M.A, M.Phil
Designation: State Aided College Teacher
Phone Number: 7890372338Get Detail »
As an affiliated college under the University of Calcutta, we have strictly followed the curriculum prescribed by our parent university and the department offers course options accordingly. Till 2018 we followed the three years Honours and General degree courses under 1+1+1 system and offered both Honours and General courses in Sanskrit (SANA & SANG). In session 2023-24 NEP, 2020 was implemented by our Parent University and Curriculum and Credit Framework (CCF) for undergraduate courses had been introduced. Currently our department is following this system and is offering the courses as shown below…

Course offered Course code Duration Examination system Total credits
B.A Major in Sanskrit (with Research) SANM 4 years Semester Full Marks – 100 Theory (3 credits) = 75 marks Tutorial (1 credit) = 25 marks
B.A Major in Sanskrit (without Research SANM 4 years Semester Full Marks – 100 Theory (3 credits) = 75 marks Tutorial (1 credit) = 25 marks
B.A Multidisciplinary  (MDC) with Sanskrit MSAN 3 years Semester Full Marks – 100 Theory (3 credits) = 75 marks Tutorial (1 credit) = 25 marks
B.A Interdisciplinary (IDC) in Sanskrit MSAN 6 months (in any one semester of 1 or 2 or 3) Semester IDC 3 Credits (25*3 = 75 Marks) Theory 2 credits (25*2 = 50 Marks) Tutorial 1 credit (25*1 = 25)

Programme Outcome (PO)


PO1: After completing three years of Sanskrit Honours course students will be graduates having Sanskrit Honours degree. Their newly acquired knowledge helped them to survive in the field of higher studies in various multi-disciplinary streams

PO2: Various multi-disciplinary research works in the field of Indology have been providing a lot of opportunities which will also benefit them financially. Several universities around the world in the field of Indology has been providing well amount of fellowship for comparative studies. So students can easily apply for that to get higher benefits.

PO3: After completing graduation they will work in different fields related to translation. There are vast unpublished Manuscripts in the field of Sanskrit world; not to publish due to inadequate of Sanskrit translators

PO4: If possible after completing graduation they will also pursue B.ED degree and go for teaching at secondary or higher secondary Schools. Not only this, they will also pursue M. Phil or P.HD degree for higher studies.

PO5: Every year Google also take translators from English to Sanskrit for Digitalization. So, students of Sanskrit have huge opportunities to get chance in these before said fields.

PO6:Knowledge and language always interrelated with each other. A huge amount of ancient Indigenous texts were written in Sanskrit language. Naturally studying Sanskrit will open up various dimensions of Indian knowledge system so that students can easily relate ancient educational system with modern one. It will also help them to understand the socio-cultural diversities in India.



Programme Specific Outcome (PSO):


PSO1: Extensive knowledge of Sanskrit literature as well as acquisition of language will open up several dimensions of Sanskrit study which will benefit in their future studies such as Interdisciplinary, linguistic and modern AI field of knowledge.

PSO2: The course aims to train the students to learn and appreciate the linguistic diversities of India and not only that this will also help them to understand the core field of Indological studies. Several universities around the world in the field of Indology has been providing well amount of fellowship for comparative studies. It will also benefit them to uplift their innovation.

PSO3: The course also aims to explore them various unpublished work in manuscripts which has been written in different languages. It also helps them to translate from Sanskrit to colloquial language which becomes understandable to other persons who has interest in the field by did not understand because of less knowledge in Sanskrit language.

PSO4: They also do higher education according to their special interest which also be granted as a special contribution in higher study especially in the field of PHD or D.Litt. etc.

PSO5: Google also takes a large scale of translators in every year from for Sanskrit Digitalization. So, if they acquire a good knowledge of language they have huge opportunities to get chance in these before said fields

PSO6: Language, literature and cognition are interrelated with each other. A large amount of ancient Indigenous texts were in preserved because of inadequate number of translators.  So if students are able to open up that closed door new light might be enlighten to us which will create a new history of our land, of our society as well as culture. Sanskrit will open up various dimensions of Indian knowledge system so that students can easily relate ancient educational system with modern one. It will also help them to understand the socio-cultural diversities in India.








Course Outcome (CO) under CBCS:


Semester Course Topic Course Outcome(CO)

CC1: Classical Sanskrit Literature  (POETRY)



  • Students can understand the inner perspective and the purpose of writing of these literature
  • They knew the structure of the sentences and its  implementation in different fields
  • They have learned grammatical analysis, translation, explanation, and poet’s commentary on the society.
  • They get knowledge about the origin and development of Indian traditional heritage of literature.

CC2: Critical Survey of Sanskrit Literature



  • It will help them to inter-relate ancient literature with modern one.

CC3: Classical Sanskrit Literature (PROSE)



  • They have acquired social and political thoughts depicted in these texts
  • They get knowledge about how to control our mind through learning the text Gita
  • They also aware about the clarity of buddhi, controlling over senses, resolution of conflict over mind when it comes. How to controls EGO etc


  • They also learn communicative English as AECC.


CC4: Self Management in the Gita



  • How we control our self-emotions in any kind of unpredictable situation, they will learned about it
  • It also guides them to maintain a proper balance in life.



CC5:  Classical Sanskrit Literature (DRAMA)



  • They get acquainted with the personification of nature and its modern implementation
  • They have known  about the purpose and design of the Kalidasa’sMagnum opusSakuntalam
  • They also get aware about the system of ancient marriage policy, their social background, Tax and Social system as well.
  • Students also knew about the origin and development of Sanskrit Drama and its modern relevance they have aware of the power of word and its meaning and also their internal relationship with figure and speech.
  • They knew different type of speeches
  • They have get knowledge about the position of women in our ancient society.
  • Social values of life according to our Indian Ethical system they have learned.
  • They also knew about the caste system and socio- cultural diversities of ancient Indian background.
  • They have developed their writing skill which has reflected in writing skill as well.

CC6: Poetics and Literary Criticism



  • They will acquire a good knowledge about ancient Poetics and literary criticism and its modern aspects.

CC7: Indian Social Institution and Polity



  • They have understood about ancient Indian polity and its modern implementation.

SEC-A-1: Sanskrit Writing Skill



  • They have acquired a good scale of knowledge regarding how to write in Sanskrit and how it will help in modern linguistic phenomenon.

CC8: Indian Epigraphy, Paleography and Chronology



  • Students have learned importance of India Inscriptions in the reconstruction of Ancient Indian History and Culture
  • History and development of Indian scripts and its modern implementation.
  • Students knew about the antiquity of the art of writing.
  •  Students have known the development of the history of modern Sanskrit literature in Bengal and across the Bengal.
  • They have acquired knowledge about Sanskrit studies across the world and its modern relevance.
  • They have understand impact of Indian Epics in South-East Asia and its modern  implementation
  • Students have gained knowledge about different Sanskrit study centers in Asia and Europe and scope of learning Sanskrit across the world.

CC9: Modern Sanskrit Literature



  • They have gained knowledge about modern Sanskrit literature and its modern implementation.

CC10: Sanskrit World Literature



  • It will help to understand the modern position about Sanskrit literature and cope with modern World literature.

SEC-A-2: Spoken and Computational Sanskrit



  • Spoken Sanskrit will help them to uplift their communication skill and enhance their personality.

CC11: Vedic Literature



·         Students have acquired knowledge about the Vedic period, its knowledge system, meter, vast domain of literature

  • Students knew about the very popular  philosophical texts like Vivekacuḍāmaṇi, Tarkabhāṣāetc and its modern implementation in psychological world
  • Students have known about the fundamental structure of Sanskrit grammar that is Kāraka, Samāsa.
  • They have make sentences fluently because of adequate knowledge of grammar that they have also learned.
  • They have known about the classification of language, phonetic laws, phonetic tendinitis

CC12: Sanskrit Grammar



  • It will help them to understand the linguistic phenomenon of the language.

DSE-A-1: Darśana



  • They have acquired knowledge about the core concept of philosophical tenets of Sanskrit studies.

DSE-B-1: Kāvya



  • They will understand about the whole perspective of Sanskrit literature and its modern evolution as well.

CC13: Indian Ontology & Epistemology



  • They have known about the meaning and purpose of darsana and its general classification i.e. āstika and nāstika and their impact on other philosophical branches.
  • They have acquired knowledge about several philosophical offshoots likes Realism, Dualism, Monism, Pluralism, Idealism etc
  • They knew about the concepts of padārtha, definition of their different types of presentations
  • They have learned social and cultural aspects of Indian learning method through Upanisadic views.
  • They have acquired knowledge about how to communicate in Sanskrit language through Spoken Sanskrit Classes which enrich their communication skill also.

CC14: Sanskrit Composition & Communication



  • It wills them to acquire good communication skill about Sanskrit language and its communication skill.

DSE-A-2: Vyākaraṇa



  • Grammar always helps to understand how a language works and how it will connect with another person with signals. So this course will understand them about language acquisition.

DSE-B-2: Veda



  • Ancient Vedic knowledge will help them to uplift our ancient tradition and its modern implementation in the fields like linguistic, Ayurveda, modern Math and Quantum Physic also.




UNDER CCF (Curriculum and Credit Framework)

Programme Outcome (PO)


PO1: After completing four year Honours and Honors with Research work students will be graduates and not that they have IDC (Inter disciplinary study) and also MDC which will enrich their field of knowledge.

PO2: Various multi-disciplinary research works in the field of Indology have been providing a lot of opportunities. Several universities around the world in the field of Indology has been providing well amount of fellowship for comparative studies. So students can easily apply for that to get higher benefits.

PO3: IDC and MDC studies will help them to provide inter-related knowledge which will explore their various fields of interest.

PO4: Knowledge and language always interrelated with each other. A huge amount of ancient Indigenous texts were written in Sanskrit language. Naturally studying Sanskrit will open up various dimensions of Indian knowledge system so that students can easily relate ancient educational system with modern one. It will also help the

Programme Specific Outcome (PSO)


PSO1: Four year honours with Research course will provide to the students to achieve knowledge especially in Research oriented work which will very good in research oriented activities.

PSO2: Course like IDC provided them interest in various multi-disciplinary studies which will provide them interest in higher researchable work

PSO3: Streams like IDC will give them to input about various kind of inter related knowledge which will help them to explore their thoughts in different academic fields

PSO4: various inter disciplinary studies with research wok will help them to nourish main streaming subject and not only that they have feel more interest to achieve better knowledge which will contributed in higher studies.



Course Outcome (CO) under CCF


Semester Course Title Course Outcome(CO)

General Grammar and Meter

Unit I=Basic concept of General Grammar




  • Student have gained knowledge about some basic components of Sanskrit Grammar like conjugation, declension, case-ending, euphonic-combination, prefer, suffix etc
  • These will help them to construct sentences in Sanskrit language
  • It will increase their field of interest in Sanskrit Grammar
  • Chandas or Meter will help them to understand the beatification of Sanskrit language


History of Sanskrit Literature


Unit-I=History of Vedic Literature


Unit-II= History of Classical Sanskrit Literature


Unit III=History of Scientific and technical Sanskrit literature


Unit IV= Contribution of Scholars in the field of Sanskrit Literature


·         Students will gain knowledge about ancient history of Vedic literature and its modern implementation

·         History of Scientific literature will help them to provide knowledge about some scientific thoughts in ancient Indian society

·         Contribution of Scholars in the field of Sanskrit literature will help them to sustain the necessity of Sanskrit language in our modern society

·         It will help them to understand the evolution of Indian knowledge system



Course Outcome (CO) under CCF OF IDC


Semester Course Title Course Outcome(CO)

A)    Medical Science

B)    Music, Painting and Dance


  •  Students have gained knowledge about the ancient Indian Medical Science and its modern implementation
  • They have also known about the development of Music, painting and Dance and tried to inter relate with modern Arts field.
  • It will also helped them to understand how ancient India was developed and its modern impact


a)      Mathematics and Astronomy

b)      Architecture


·         They have known about the ancient knowledge system of Mathematics and astronomy and its modern implementation

·         It will increase their field of interest in various interrelated ancient works which will also help in higher studies

·         Ancient Indian architecture or Vastu Vidya will help them to understand how our ancient science was developed and how we will implement in modern scenario





UNDER CCF (Curriculum and Credit Framework)

Three-year Multi-Disciplinary Courses of Studies

Programme Outcome (PO)


PO1: After completing three year multi-disciplinary course of studies students will be graduates which will enrich their field of knowledge.

PO2: Various multi-disciplinary research works in the field of Indology have been providing a lot of opportunities. Several universities around the world in the field of Indology has been providing well amount of fellowship for comparative studies. So students can easily apply for that to get higher benefits.

PO3: IDC studies will help them to provide inter-related knowledge which will explore their various fields of interest.

PO4: Knowledge and language always interrelated with each other. A huge amount of ancient Indigenous texts were written in Sanskrit language. Naturally studying Sanskrit will open up various dimensions of Indian knowledge system so that students can easily relate ancient educational system with modern one. It will also help the

Programme Specific Outcome (PSO)


PSO1: Three year multi-disciplinary course of studies will provide to the students to achieve knowledge especially in Research oriented work which will very good in research oriented activities.

PSO2: Course like IDC provided them interest in various multi-disciplinary studies which will provide them interest in higher researchable work

PSO3: Streams like IDC will give them to input about various kind of inter related knowledge which will help them to explore their thoughts in different academic fields

PSO4: various inter disciplinary studies with research wok will help them to nourish main streaming subject and not only that they have feel more interest to achieve better knowledge which will contributed in higher studies.



Course Outcome (CO) under CCF


Semester Course Title Course Outcome(CO)

General Grammar and Meter

Unit I=Basic concept of General Grammar



Chandamanjari of Gangadasa


  • Student have gained knowledge about some basic components of Sanskrit Grammar like conjugation, declension, case-ending, euphonic-combination, prefer, suffix etc
  • These will help them to construct sentences in Sanskrit language
  • It will increase their field of interest in Sanskrit Grammar
  • Chandas or Meter will help them to understand the beatification of Sanskrit language


History of Sanskrit Literature


Unit-I=History of Vedic Literature


Unit-II= History of Classical Sanskrit Literature


Unit III=History of Scientific and technical Sanskrit literature


Unit IV= Contribution of Scholars in the field of Sanskrit Literature


·         Students will gain knowledge about ancient history of Vedic literature and its modern implementation

·         History of Scientific literature will help them to provide knowledge about some scientific thoughts in ancient Indian society

·         Contribution of Scholars in the field of Sanskrit literature will help them to sustain the necessity of Sanskrit language in our modern society

·         It will help them to understand the evolution of Indian knowledge system

To supplement the core curriculum, to enhance the professional skill and to ensure holistic development of the students, department of Sanskrit organizes certificate and add-on courses of short duration (30 hours or more), which are free of cost. During the last two years academic sessions, two certificates course has been conducted on “Functional Sanskrit language course” and “Vocational Sanskrit language course”. Certificates were issued to the students who had successfully completed the courses.




Sl. no Session Name of the certificate courses Duration Date of commencement Number of participants
1. 2022-23 Functional Sanskrit language course 30hours 14/11/2022-30/11/2022 21
2. 2023-24 Vocational Sanskrit language course 30 hours 8/1/2024-20/1/2024 28

  1. Traditional Lecture Method
  2. Applied teaching aid (Specific notes on particular topics)
  • Supplemented Power Point Presentation with Projector.
  1. Remedial classes.
  2. Preparation of poster on different topics.
  3. External Lectures through blended mode

 The Department of Sanskrit follows a well planned curriculum delivery process, the focal point of which is adherence to the Academic calendar of the college. In accordance with the time frame stated in the academic calendar, the Department designs its teaching plan and distributes the work load among the faculties. The Department successfully upholds the culture of regular class teaching and on time completion of the syllabus.

In its endeavor of imparting quality education, the Department has put emphasis on Outcome-based education (OBE). The outcomes of the programmes and the courses, offered by the Department are stated clearly on the college website, so that, the students can easily access it. These outcomes are also explained to the students during Departmental orientation programmer we are trying our best to ensure effective attainment of PO and CO. The Department attempts to blend both traditional and modern methods of teaching for better understanding and visualization, class lectures are substantiated with traditional methods.  To make teaching-learning more interactive and student-centric, the department organizes-students Seminar, quiz on relevant issues, poster presentation etc. which help the students to develop presentation skills, Communication skills, foster research understanding and to showcase their work to a broader audience. Besides, every year, educational excursions are arranged for the students in such areas which are significant from holistic point of view.

Every year the department organizes remedial classes primarily for the weaker students. However, all students are allowed to attend the class, so that none of them could feel discriminated such classes mainly focus on elucidation of basic concepts and development of better learning habits.

A congenial environment is maintained within the Department, so that, the students can freely approach to the teachers both within and outside the class room to discuss their problems. The teachers always provide them with proper guidance as and when required. No doubt, such an environment facilitates the process of teaching-learning to a considerable extent.


Apart from the well-stocked central library of the college, the department maintains a departmental seminar library to provide additional reading materials to the students. At present there are more than 100 books in this seminar library which are regularly issued to the students. There is also a reading enclosure within the department for the use of the students. This departmental library plays an important role to nurture our students.


We have taken several classes through ICT equipments with modern well decorated class room where power point presentations are done. Students are very satisfied to cope with process of modern education system.

Evaluation system


The evaluation system followed by the department adheres to the guidelines and regulations framed by our affiliating university and the entire system is transparent. Under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), end semester examinations are held at the end of each of the six semesters by the University. As per the university rule, prior to each of these semester examination, the Department has to conduct internal evaluations. Under the CBCS curriculum, each paper comprises an internal component which accounts for 20% of the total marks assigned to a paper. Of these 20 marks, 10 is allotted to internal examination and the remaining 10 to attendance, in addition to this internal assessment as per the University schedule, regular class tests (both surprise tests and tests with prior notification) are conducted by the Department as part of the Continuous Intemal Evaluation (CIE) process. Besides, at the beginning of semester 1, an Entry Level Test is held by the department to assess the level of knowledge of the new entrants. On the basis of the performance of the students in this test, the Department categorizes them as weak learners and advanced learners and adopts teaching techniques accordingly. Remedial classes are organized for the weak students, whereas, students’ seminar, poster presentation, subject quiz and other interactive and participative activities are arranged keeping in mind mainly the advanced learners. However, the Department officially allows all the students to take part in such activities, to avoid discrimination. The Department provides the students with required assistance in case of any grievance regarding any examination related issue and if required, forwards the agenda to the Grievance-redressal cell or Examination sub-committee of the college. We will provide here last five years final examination results….

Result of 2018

Name Result Status Year of passing
Riya Roy 349 2018
Mousumi Das 379 2018
Minati Sardar 331 2018
Bhaswati Mandal 304 2018
Minati Sardar 375 2018
Daliya Naskar 327 2018
Rahul  Ruidas 389 2018
Pulak Mondal 401 2018
Alakesh Maha Patra 434 2018
Souvik Sarkar 292 2018


Result of 2019

Name Result Year of Passing
Priya Samul 364 2019
Susmita Giri 376 2019
Laboni Sardar 466 2019
Sona Das 449 2019
Priyanka Mondal 433 2019
Puja Mondal 425 2019
Sonia Mondal 377 2019
Malati Gayen 403 2019
Chameli Mondal 428 2019
Sima Barkandaj 393 2019
Sujata Kumar 440 2019
Paromita Naskar 305 2019
Ashim Sardar 427 2019
Palas Sardar 373 2019
Sudip Mandal 336 2019


Result of 2020

Name Result Year of Passing
Pratima Maiti 542 2020
Baisakhi Saha 530 2020
Tulika Chakraborty 432 2020
Piu Mondal 542 2020
Tithi Das 474 2020
Archana Makhal 531 2020
Riya Naskar 463 2020
Chumki Mandal 485 2020
Madhumita Mondal 499 2020
Tanusree Naskar 493 2020
Rima Halder 448 2020
Sayani Barman 501 2020
Sujay Mondal 507 2020
Suman Halder 432 2020
Soumya Gayen 485 2020
Shubhankar Nayek 444 2020
Prithiraj Sardar 431 2020



Name Total CGPA Year of Passing
Priyanka Mondal 8.453 2021
Kamal Sardar 7.256 2021
Subha Das 8.131 2021
Sujit Sarkar 8.134 2021
Umashankar Mandal 8.171 2021
Sumita Biswas 8.247 2021
Aurp Mondal 8.3 2021
Ratna Mondal 5.571 2021
Dipanjali Roy 8.41 2021
Atish Mandal 8.353 2021
Suparna Jana 8.204 2021
Lata Maity 8.209 2021
Payel Dhara 8.394 2021
Sudipta Baidya 8.629 2021
Jayshree Sardar 8.507 2021
Anita Das 8.18 2021
Atshi Dutta 8.15 2021
Sudipta Sardar 8.651 2021
Taneya Majumder 8.578 2021
Moumita Ghosh 8.551 2021
Moumita Naskar 8.476 2021
Haripada Sardar 8.065 2021
Keaya Sadhukhan 8.432 2021
Milan Prasad Mal 8.401 2021
Piyali Kayal 8.336 2021
Rahul Halder 8.131 2021
Arpita Adhikari 8.292 2021
Ankita Das 8.04 2021
Banita Bardhan 8.064 2021
Rimpa Ghosh 8.092 2021

Result of 2022

Animesh Midya 6.8 2022
Ankita Sarkar 4.65 2022
Arpita Mandal 6.269 2022
Debdas Mandal 6.955 2022
Dipika Banerjee 5.232 2022
Nahida Ali 5.804 2022
Nisha Biswas 5.666 2022
Pallabi Mondal 6.132 2022
Piyali Sardar 5.493 2022
Ramkrishna Goswami 6.314 2022
Sampa Patra 5.897 2022
Saptadip Sardar 6.252 2022
Somsa Mondal 5.881 2022
Sudipa Mondal 5.396 2022
Susmita Deb 5.895 2022


Result o f 2023

Rini Naskar 7.094 2023
Ujjayine Naskar 7.534 2023
Siya Das 6.874 2023
Rajesh Paik 6.989 2023
Rahul Biswas 7.88 2023
Nimai Sarkar 7.378 2023


Analysis of result of the students

Department of SANSKRIT

Honors course:

2018 to 2023


Total no. of students appeared in final exam




Total no of the students passed in the exam


Pass percentage

19 2017 15 78.94
27 2018 27 100
21 2019 16 76.19
20 2020 18 90.00
32 2021 30 93.75
23 2022 15 63.21
22 2023 12 54.54

The students of our department are very much enthusiastic about the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and take part in intra and inter-college competitions on music, dance, painting, debate, recitation etc. Every year the students celebrate teacher’s day, environment day, women’s day and some other days of national and international importance. They also organize farewell, fresher’s welcome and alumni meet successfully.

Every year, the department of SANSKRIT organizes departmental seminar with the helping hands of Alumni students which is very effective in out learning process. They have also participated in different social welfare programme of NSS unit of our college.

The students of the Department have been publishing departmental wall magazine entitled with VIVASVAAN. It is an annual publication to exhibit the creativity of the students as well as of the faculties. The magazine provides opportunity to the students to express their ideas, to grow literary taste, to enhance reading habit and to develop awareness about different pressing issues.

The students of our department are very much enthusiastic about the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and take part in intra and inter-college competitions on music, dance, painting, debate, recitation etc. Every year the students celebrate teacher’s day, environment day, women’s day and some other days of national and international importance. They also organize farewell, fresher’s welcome and alumni meet successfully.

Every year, the department of SANSKRIT organizes departmental seminar with the helping hands of Alumni students which is very effective in out learning process. They have also participated in different social welfare programme of NSS unit of our college.

The students of the Department have been publishing departmental wall magazine entitled with VIVASVAAN. It is an annual publication to exhibit the creativity of the students as well as of the faculties. The magazine provides opportunity to the students to express their ideas, to grow literary taste, to enhance reading habit and to develop awareness about different pressing issues.

Department of Sanskrit has no MOU with other college or universities till now but probably we will do MOU with Vidyasagar College in next year. But it will take time and depends under consideration of higher authorities.
Every year we have meet with our Alumni Students and tried to interact with them. This time Department of Sanskrit do organize some special activities with the helping hands of alumni students like some special academic lectures, extending helping hands towards other backwards people etc. Students of Sanskrit department has done great job both in academically and socially. First of all they have collected money and donate to some children in slum areas near to our college like books, pen, pencil with drawing tools etc. We have invited them and they collect this noble gift very gladly.

On 1.10.2019 the occasion of Vidyasagar Birth Ceremony, Alumni students of the department of Sanskrit was organized a special lecture on Contribution of Vidyasagar in our daily life where they donated books specially Barnaparicay with other tools to some children in slum areas around our college. The then time Principal Prof. Santiranjan Plachudury was present there. Children and their respected parents were also present on this occasion and we were very much happy to do this noble act to our society with the helping hands of our Alumni students.

Every year we have meet with our Alumni Students and tried to interact with them. This time Department of Sanskrit do organize some special activities with the helping hands of alumni students like some special academic lectures, extending helping hands towards other backwards people etc. Students of Sanskrit department has done great job both in academically and socially. First of all they have collected money and donate to some children in slum areas near to our college like books, pen, pencil with drawing tools etc. We have invited them and they collect this noble gift very gladly.

On 1.10.2019 the occasion of Vidyasagar Birth Ceremony, Alumni students            of the department of Sanskrit was organized a special lecture on Contribution of Vidyasagar in our daily life where they donated books specially Barnaparicay with other tools to some children in slum areas around our college. The then time Principal Prof. Santiranjan Plachudury was present there. Children and their respected parents were also present on this occasion and we were very much happy to do this noble act to our society with the helping hands of our Alumni students.

It is our immense pleasure that our alumni students Smt. Hemlata Biswas was delivered her lecture rereading Sandhi and its implementation in modern syntax to our SEM I students on 17/01/2024 and 19/1/22024. This is a very relevant topic which is very implementable in modern linguistic phenomenon. It is also our endeavor to uplift our students in academic field so that they have become confident and make their own contribution to our students in a broader sense to our society.


Session Date Alumni activities Number of participants Brief reports












Community help programme

(6th sem students SANA with pass out students) around 30


On the occasion of Vidyasagar Birthday our students distributed some tools like book of Varnaparicay, pencil, pastel etc to some children in our surrounding community which was well appreciated.





5th September, 2022


Teacher’s day celebration

25 students (including faculty members) They had celebrated teachers day through online mode (Google mode) during the COVID pandemic period













Community help programme with special lecture programme

Around 50 including alumni students They had organized a special lecture programme on Bartaman prajaomno o adhunikata where Prof. Rohini Dharmapal had delivered her lecture on gender sensitization, social superstitions, women empowerment and other burning issues of our society.  Students of our department also helped to some children with study tools in our surrounding community on that day.








17.01.2024 and 19.01.2024



PARAMPARA: the Alumni study circle

Around 5 students (CCF 1st year)

Departmental ex-student

Smt. Hemlata Biswas had delivered a special lecture on the topic of Sandhi and its modern implementation on syntax which was well appreciated to our present students..