- About the Department
- Faculty Profile
- Courses Offered
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- Result and Student Progression
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Philosophy department is as old as the College. At the inception, only general course was taught. Since 2006, we have successfully introduced advanced course in Philosophy. At the beginning there was only a few students and only one full time faculty in the department. But at present, number of seats in Honours is 40 with 10% increment every year as per Govt. norm and the department has five dedicated faculties; two full time faculties among which one is Associate Professor and the other one is Assistant Professor, two SACTS and one Superannuated teacher. All the faculties are at present pursuing research work in different fields. The special feature of the department that should be mentioned here is the teacher-students’ cordial relations.
Vision of the department:
The vision of the department is to provide students with holistic and comprehensive knowledge towards the subjects. As the subject is a speculative subject, teachers always try to develop analytical and logical thinking among students through teaching-learning. The focus of the department is to complete the syllabus within the stipulated period.
Infrastructure: The department has a seminar library with a plenty of syllabus-oriented books. Other than text books, the seminar library has reference books, books on career guidance, story books. Students are asked to issue books twice in a week. Further, the department uses its own laptop and desktop for any kind of teaching-learning issue.

Smt. Sangeeta Dey Sarkar
Designation: Associate Professor
Email: sds2310@gmail.com
Phone Number: 9007657615Get Detail »

Sri Ranjit Shaw
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email: rshaw376@gmail.com
Phone Number: 7980256196Get Detail »

Smt. Shibani Bhattacharya
Designation: Superannuated
Email: shibani1510@gmail.com
Phone Number: +91 9433688776
Get Detail »

Sri Bibek Manna
Designation: State Aided College Teacher
Email: mannabibek66@gmail.com
Phone Number: 9733648430Get Detail »

Tamasa Sarangi
Designation: State Aided College Teacher
Email: tamasasarangi123@gmail.com
Phone Number: +91 9836067773Get Detail »
Semester-wise Course for B.A. Honours ( Under CBCS)
Sem-1 | Sem-2 | Sem-3 | Sem-4 | Sem-5 | Sem-6 | |
Course Course(CC) | 2TH+2TU
CC-1&2 |
CC-3&4 |
CC-5,6&7 |
CC-8,9&10 |
CC-11&12 |
CC-13&14 |
Generic Course(GE) | 1TH+1TU
GE-1 |
GE-2 |
GE-3 |
GE-4 |
Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) | 2TH+2TU
DSE-A(1)&B-(1) |
DSE-A(2)&B(2) |
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course(AECC) | 1TH+0TU
AECC-1 |
AECC-2 |
Skill Enhancement Course(SEC) | 1TH+0TU
SEC-A(1) |
SEC-B(2) |
Total No. of Course and Marks | 4X100=400 | 4X100=400 | 5X100=500 | 5X100=500 | 4X100=400 | 4X100=400 |
Total Credits | 20 | 20 | 26 | 26 | 24 | 24 |
TH= Theory, T= Tutorial
v CC/GE/DSE: Each theory and Tutorial Course have 5 and 1 Credit(s) respectively
v GE: Covering two subjects with two courses each; any subject in any semester; CC of a different subject in general course is to treated as GE for Honours Course v DSE/SEC: Group (A&B) for specified semester v AECC/SEC: Each Course has 2 Credits v AECC-1: Communicative English/ MIL; AECC-2: Environmental Studies |
Semester-wise Course for B.A. General(Under CBCS)
Sem-1 | Sem-2 | Sem-3 | Sem-4 | Sem-5 | Sem-6 | |
Core Course
(CC) |
CC-1 |
CC-2 |
CC-3 |
CC-4 |
Language-(LCC) | 1TH+1TU
LCC-1(1) |
LCC-2(1) |
LCC1(2) |
LCC2(2) |
Generic Elective(GE) | 1TH+1TU
GE-1 |
GE-2 |
Discipline Specific Elective(DSE) | 2TH+2TU
DSE-A 1A+2A |
DSE-B 1B+2B |
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course(AECC) | 1TH+0TU
AECC-1 |
AECC-2 |
Skill Enhancement Course(SEC) | 1TH+0TU
Total No. of Course and Marks | 4X100=400 | 4X100=400 | 4X100=400 | 4X100=400 | 4X100=400 | 4X100=400 |
Total Credits | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
TH= Theory, T= Tutorial
v CC/LCC/GE/DSE: Each theory and Tutorial Course have 5 and 1 Credit(s) respectively
v CC: 4 Courses each form 2 subjects (one course from each subject under each semester) v LCC: LCC1-English courses: LCC2-MIL/ Alternative English v GE: Two courses from one subject different from core subject including LCC v DSE: 2 Courses each from 2 subjects v AECC/SEC: Each Course has 2 Credits v AECC-1: Communicative English/ MIL; AECC-2: Environmental Studies |
Courses Offered | Course code | Duration | Examination system | Total Credits |
(without research) |
PHIM | 4 years | Semester | DSCC – 25×4= 100 credits;
SEC 4×3=12 credits; |
(with research) |
PHIM | 4 years | Semester | DSCC – 22X4=88 credits;
Research work-12credits; SEC 4×3=12 credits; |
B.A Multidisciplinary (MDC) with PHILOSOPHY | MPHI | 3 years | Semester | DSCC- 4×8=32 credits;
SEC 4×1=4 credits; |
B.A/B.Sc. Interdisciplinary (IDC) in PHILOSOPHY | PHID | 6 months (In any one semester of 1 or 2or 3) | Semester | 03 credits; |
We follow the prescribed syllabus of University of Calcutta. Our department offers both advanced and generic Courses in under graduate level. Below is the detail picture of course name and outcome.
(PHIA) CC-1: Outlines of Indian Philosophy-1 | Students have a complete and comprehensive knowledge about Carvaka, Jainism,Buddhism, Nyaya and Vaisesika Philosophy. |
CC-2: History of western Philosophy-1 | Students are to aquire knowledge about ancient and medieval Philosophy of western era. |
CC-3: Outlines of Indian Philosophy-2 | Indian epistemology and metaphysics are to be taught in this segment to make students comprehensive knowledge about the reality of the World. |
CC-4: Outlines of Western Philosophy-2 | Students taught to learn about the modern western philosophy. |
CC-5:Philosophy of Mind | Students acquire knowledge about human psychology with special reference to other homosapiens groups. |
CC-6:Social and Political Philosophy | This section deals with the prevalent social issues, political ideologies which are most effective for students to understand the difference between ought and is. |
CC-7: Philosophy of Religion | Students understand the different religious views and outlooks. It also equipped them with the inter- religious understanding which is of very much implications in today’s scenario. |
CC-8:Western Logic-i | Logic is one of the finest reasoning that helps student to aquire the power of mathematical understanding. Nevertheless, it also helps them to inculcate rationality to its extent. |
CC-9:Western Logic-ii | It builds the capacity to understand truth functional systems, quantification theory and other symbolic logic related topics. |
CC-10:Epistomology and Metaphysics( Western) | This part of analytic philosophy enables students with hard core philosophical problems and solutions. |
CC-11: Nyaya logic and Epistemology -i | This section enables students to think and practice logically and critically. |
CC-12: Ethics-(Indian) | Ethics is an integral part of the syllabus that helps to build morality and values of life. |
CC-13: : Nyaya logic and Epistemology -ii | Study of logic and epistemology makes students to grasp the techniques of valid arguments and reality of outer World. |
CC-14: Ethics( Western) | Study of western ethics enables student to know the age-old ideas of West |
DSE- A and DSE-B | These are special papers which students have to take within their syllabus. These courses are meant for extensive study about hard core philosophical books and isms and also contemporary philosophical ideologies. |
SEC-A and SEC-B | Under this heading, students are expected to equipped themselves with philosophical skills like understanding of man and nature relationships, feminism, logical applications, human rights, recent trends in ethics, peace studies etc. |
NB: the syllabus of PHIG (Philosophy General) to same extent is similar with the syllabus of PHIA.
Course outcome (under CCF-2022)
(PHIH) DSCC,1- Fundamentals of Philosophy | It helps to develop the student’s ability to assimilate and assess new and unfamiliar ideas and information. |
SEC- Man and Nature | Students should know nature is not only important to man but is also essential. |
DSCC ,2- Outlines of Indian Philosophy | It is a source of morals and values to guide human life. Happiness is a key value and Indian Philosophy offers strategies to ensure happiness. |
SEC- Recent issues in Philosophy (Political and Ethical) Human Rights and Feminist Ethics | The concept of human rights empowers people and tells them that they deserve dignity from society. The goal of feminist ethics is to create a society that is equal for both men and women. |
(IDC)- Philosophy of Peace and Conflict Resolution | It helps students to understand the causes of conflicts and how to prevent them. Peace studies teach about different methods for resolving conflicts peacefully and help to understand the importance of peace-building. |
NB: the syllabus of PHI MD CC1 ,PHI CC2 to some extent is similar with the syllabus of PHIH.
Program Outcome:
The graduate degree holder in philosophy Honours and general course have following avenues open:
- Logical reasoning being an essential part of philosophy discipline, students can join legal profession and excel.
- Government Services
- Career in Media
- Career in the field of Medical Ethics
- Academic Consultant.
Session | Name of the Certificate Course | Duration | Date of commencement | Number of participants |
2022-2023 |
Value Education (with reference toSrimad Bhagbat Gita) | 35 hours | 15.12.2022 | 23 |
Moral & Ethical Values | 32 hours | 12.09.2022 | 25 | |
Stress Management | 30 hours | 13.03.2023 | 18
2023-2024 | Environmental Philosophy | 30 hours | 11. 02. 2024 |
See Add – Course link for details
Teaching – learning method: The department follows various kinds of teaching -learning mechanism to make the students understand the subject more comprehensively and comfortably. The department use to arrange departmental seminars, group discussions, quizzes apart from classroom teaching to make any topic of the subject interesting to the students. Besides, we take surprise tests, we organize online sessions beyond college hours for advanced and slow learners as well. The department also arranges extension lectures for students in order to broaden the conceptual ability. Besides, through internal assessments, orientation programme, end-semester examinations, the department evaluates students’ progression.
Mentor mentee system
Our department try to solve various problems of students including their studies through mentor mentee system. We divide the students among the teacher in the basis of lottery system. The mentor maintains a detail record of mentee with their name, roll number, contact number and email address. The mentee is encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities and open up so that the inherent attribute or skill can be honed up thus leading to holistic development
Remedial classes
The department provides additional academic support and input to students who are socially, educationally and economically from weaker sections of society through extra remedial classes beyond regular allotted classes as per routine. They are provided with handwritten notes, Xerox material as well as relevant websites and video of online lectures
Participative /Experimental Learning (Seminar/Workshop/ Wall Magazine/ Poster Presentation/ Educational tour/ Field work etc.)
- The department of philosophy organized ICPR sponsored periodical lecture series on 23rd february ,2nd March and 16th March in the year 2019.
- Department of philosophy organized farewell program for outgoing students on 10.20.
- Celebrated “The World Philosophy Day” organized by department of philosophy on 17.11.2022
- A state level seminar “Heteroglosia” on the topic : Sri Aurobinder purnadwaitabada was jointly organized by department of philosophy, Sanskrit , English and History on 22.11.2022.
- Wall magazine “praggya”was published on 22.11.2022 in the seminar heteroglosia.
- Teacher-Student joint mini – research Project on Indian knowledge system.
Title of the Research project:Contribution of Ayurveda in foundation of basic principles of Medical Ethics
Name of the guiding Faculty/s: Sangita Dey Sarkar and Tamasha Sarangi
Name of the participating Students:
- Tanbir Alam (Sem -III) / 513-1111-0257-21
- Suman Kunthi (Sem-III) / 513-1112-0007-21
- Samriddhi Naskar (Sem-III) / 513-1212-0048-21
- Sayantika Das (Sem- III) / 513-1212-0155-21
- Kamalesh Sardar (Sem-I) / 513-1111-0262-22
- Joytish Ghosh (Sem-I) / 513-1111-0267-22
- Koyel Pahari ( Sem-I) / 513-1211-0004-21
Seminar library, ICT Facilities, beyond college hours support to the students.
Evaluation system:
Our department followed the guideline of the University of Calcutta in the evaluation system. We conduct internal assessment for the each semester. Internal assessment is held for 10% of the total marks of each paper/subject ie 10 marks for a paper of 100 marks.
Five years result of the students
Department of Philosophy
Honours course:
2018 to 2023
year | Total no. of students appeared in final exam | Total no of the students passed in the exam | Pass percentage |
2018-19 | 08 | 04 | 50% |
2019-20 | 21 | 7 | 33% |
2020-21 | 20 | 20 | 100% |
2021-22 | 28 | 13 | 46.42% |
2022-23 | 33 | 22 | 66.66% |
Student’s progression
Our students get chance to post graduation in different universities after finishing their graduation. Many students get job in private sector, banking sector, IT sector, defence, railway service, school service. Our placement cell is very active and it organizes job fair, campus interview, placement counseling regularly. Besides our institution organizes different certificate course to chance professional and soft skill of the students and such courses help our students to groom themselves for the job market.
Name of the students who got chance to higher studies:
2018 to 2023
Sl. NO | Passing year | Name of the student | Position |
1 | 2020 | Afsana Khatun | M.A in CU |
2 | 2020 | Susmita Ghosh | M.A in CU |
3 | 2021 | Payel Mondal | M.A in RKSMVV |
4 | 2021 | Sumita Shit | M.A in CU |
5 | 2021 | Srestha Ghatak | M.A in CU |
6 | 2022 | Rimpa Mondal | M.A in CU |
7 | 2022 | Payel Naskar | M.A in CU |
8 | 2022 | Prakriti Majumar | M.A in CU |
9 | 2022 | Sanchari Garai | M.A in CU |
10 | 2023 | Sujit Mondal | M.A in CU |
11 | 2023 | Subhashri Naskar | M.A in CU |
12 | 2023 | Aloke Mondal | M.A in CU |
Our students participate in the various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in every year. They celebrate teachers’ day, farewell, women’s day, bhasha dibas, yoga day. Few of our students actively participate in NSS related activities which were conducted by the NSS Unit of our institution.
We celebrate the “World Philosophy Day” our students take part in this program. They participate in poster presentation, paper presentation and other related activities.
The students of our department take part in intra and inter- college competitions on dance, drama, music, recitation, quiz, essay writing, painting etc.
Our students publish our departmental wall magazine named “Praggya”. We select a topic for the wall magazine and our students submit their writings on the topic. The magazine provides opportunity to the students to express their thought and idea.
The students of our department participated in the food festival competitrion which was organized by our college in 2022.
We also take two Class tests as per requirement It is a method used to continuously assess the student’s understanding capabilities.
End Semester Examination are held at end of each of the six semester by the university. End Semester examinations are held ordinarily at the end of the concerned Semester, i.e., Semester-I, Semester-III, Semester-V in December-January and Semester-II, Semester-IV, Semester-VI in June-July. End semester examinations are centrally held by the University to assess the learning ability and theoretical knowledge of the students.
Attendance As per CU rules Total 10 Marks is allotted for all CBCS courses: The marks obtained in every course from Class Attendance by the students has the following manner.6 marks for attending 60% or above but less than 75% of the number of lectures delivered, 8 marks for attending 75% or above but less than 90% of the number of lectures delivered, 10 marks for attending 90% or above of lectures delivered, and such attendance are calculated from the date of commencement of classes or date of admission whichever is later.
Achievement of the students
Our two students, Sudipta Mondal and Trina Maity , participated in the recitation competition and Raima Talukdar and Susmita Ghosh, participated in the folk dance competition named “Murchana” on 10/11/2021, organized by Naba Ballygunge College.
On 12th April,2023, our two students, Samriddhi Naskar and Rirusree Halder were participated in the Rabindra Nritya competition “Murchana”, organized by Naba Ballygunge college.
Our three students, Sushovan Pattanayak, Suman Kunti and Argha Bannerjee were participated in the Wild Life Rally organized by “Anubhab” foundation on 13th Novewmber,2022.
Five students went youth convention held on 30.05.2023 Organized by Ramkrishna SaradaMission VivekanandaVidyabhavan and they have got participation certificate.
Achievement of the teachers:
- Our departmental teacher Ranjit Shaw, got a grant amount Rs-10,000/-from the Indian Council of Philosophical Research Centre(ICPR), for organized periodical lecture series in 2018-19.
- Our departmental teacher Sangita Dey Sarkar, got a grant amount Rs-30,000/-from the Indian Council of Philosophical Research Centre (ICPR), for organized periodical lecture series in 2023-24.
- Four teachers are presently pursuing Doctoral degree.
Name of the College | Activities |
Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vivekananda Vidyabhaban | Faculty & Student exchange Programme |
Dinabandhu Andrews College | Faculty exchange Programme |
See Collaboration page under R & D for details
- PARAMPARA -The Alumni Study Circle
- Blood Donation
- Reunion
- Motivational webinar for current students