
The department of Microbiology was established in the year 1999 and the first batch of students passed out in 2002. Since its inception the department has been successful in carrying out the vision of its founders. Today the department has three laboratories which are fully equipped with sophisticated instruments and facilities. It offers sound and proficient learning to the students through a set of well qualified and knowledgeable teachers.

There is a very good camaraderie and coordination between the teachers, students and the laboratory staff which is a prized possession of the department. The department has received grants from UGC under Minor project schemes and is a proud recipient of grant for infrastructural development under the ‘BOOST’ scheme of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of West Bengal. The department is also associated with the Microbiologists Society of India, a National body for encouraging teaching and research in Microbiology through various activities. Under the sincere efforts of the teachers the department has been successful in producing students with good academic proficiencies and many of students who have studied in this department are well settled today with a sound career.

Apart from academic activities the students are also encouraged to take part in extracurricular activities conducted by the department and the college. The department which started its journey way back in 1999 has traversed a long way and has a long way to go. There is a sincere hope that the department will continue to give its best and impart good education for all future batch of students who will take up Microbiology as their course of study.


Dr. Sharmila Chakraborty

Qualification: M. Sc., Ph. D
Designation: Associate Professor
Email: sharmilachaksmv@gmail.com
Phone Number: 9433281924Get Detail »

Dr. Nabanita Naskar

Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Email: g.nabanitanaskar94@gmail.com
Phone Number: 9433580581Get Detail »

Smt. Pamela Dutta Roy *

Qualification: M. Sc.
Designation: SACT
Email: duttaroypamela@gmail.com
Phone Number: 9830352326Get Detail »

Smt. Aryoma Chakraborty *

Qualification: M. Sc.
Designation: SACT
Email: aryama25@gmail.com
Phone Number: 8017260235Get Detail »

Smt. Madhuwrita Saha

Qualification: M. Sc.
Designation: SACT
Email: madhuwrita.saha@gmail.com
Phone Number: 8902047350Get Detail »


Programme Outcome:

  • Extensive knowledge of classical Microbiology and contemporary subjects spanning various aspects of
    basic microbiology such as Bacteriology, Virology, Biochemistry, Microbial Physiology, Immunology,
    Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Systems Biology, Immunology and Molecular biology. In
    addition to this the course also covers the applied aspects of Microbiology such as Industrial Microbiology,
    Food and Dairy Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology and Medical Microbiology.
  • The course aims to train the students to learn and appreciate the biological diversity of microbial forms so
    that they can explore and explain the processes used by microorganisms for their replication, survival, and
    interaction with their environment, hosts, and host populations. They will become aware of the important
    role microorganisms played in maintenance of a clean and healthy environment. They will learn the role of
    microorganisms in plant, animal and human health and disease.
  • The course also aims to expose the students to various biotechnological applications of microorganisms,
    the industrially important substances produced by microorganisms and the unique role of microbes in
    genetic modification technologies.
  • The practical aspects of the programme aim to make the students familiar with scientific methodology and
    execution of experiments. Students will develop the ability to think critically and to read and analyse
    scientific literature. Students will acquire and demonstrate proficiency in good laboratory practices in a
    microbiological laboratory and be able to explain the theoretical basis and practical skills of the
    tools/technologies commonly used to study this field.
  • There is immense scope of hands on training of microbiological laboratory through extensive practical
    classes and learning of microbes handling skill and exposure to extensive knowledge of molecular
    biological techniques used in research works.
  • Graduates of the B.Sc. (Honours) Microbiology programme will understand and evaluate the impact of
    new research discoveries in the field of life sciences, and will be able to pursue a wide range of careers,
    including biological and medical research in higher education institutions as well as careers in public and
    global health, scientific writing, environmental organizations, in food industry, pharmaceuticals and
    biotechnology industries. They also have the option of taking up teaching as a profession.
Semester Course Topic Course Outcome
I CC-1: Introduction to Microbiology
and Microbial Diversity
•       To understand the history of development of
Microbiology starting from the early years•       To study the diversity of Microbial World and
Systems of classification of microorganisms•       To understand the scope of microbiology
CC-2: Bacteriology •       To understand bacteriology including the
morphology, metabolism and nutrition
patterns of various bacteria, their systematics
and taxonomic positions.•       To study the important archaeal and
eubacterial groups in order to understand the
basic microorganisms
II CC-3: Biochemistry •       To understand the basic concepts of
Bioenergetics and thermodynamics•       To study and understand the
macromolecules•       To study the different types of
macromolecules, their structure, function
and role in metabolism in living organisms

•       To apply the basic knowledge for studying
the metabolism of microorganisms

CC-4: Cell Biology

•       To study the organization of cells

•       To understand the detailed structure of all
cell organelles

•       To understand the process of cell signaling
and sorting of proteins

•       To understand the process of cell cycle, cell
death and renewal



III CC-5: Virology •       To study the Nature and Properties of
Viruses and Bacteriophages•       To Study Viral Transmission, Salient
features of viral nucleic acids and
Replication•       To understand the role of viruses in cancer
and different viral diseases

•       To study the importance and application of

C-6: Microbial Physiology and
•       To study Effect of Environment on Microbial
growth and related Nutrient uptake and
Transport•       To Study Chemoheterotrophic,
Chemolithotrophic and Phototrophic
Metabolism•       To study the role of Nitrogen Metabolism in
Microbial Physiology
CC-7: Molecular Biology •       To Study Structures of DNA and RNA /
Genetic Material•       To study Replication of DNA in
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes•       To study Transcription and Post
Transcriptional modifications in Prokaryotes
and Eukaryotes

•       To study Transcription of DNA and
Regulation of gene Expression in
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes


A1. Microbial Quality Control in
Food and Pharmaceutical Industries

•       To learn the microbiological laboratory and
safe practices•       To determine microbes in food and
pharmaceutical samples•       Learning the importance of pathogenic
organisms in food and water
Learning the principles of food safety and
microbial standards of different foods and
IV CC-8: Microbial Genetics •      Learning of Genome Organization and
Mutagenesis and Molecular basis of
mutations•      Learning the Mechanisms of Genetic
Exchange Conjugation, Transformation,
Transduction•      To study Phage Genetics and Plasmids

•      To study Transposable elements and Uses of
transposons and transposition



CC-9: Environmental Microbiology •       Students develop an understanding about
Microorganisms and their Habitats Structure
and function of ecosystems in of plant
organic matter•       Learning of Microbial Interactions,
Microbe-Plant interaction and Microbe-
animal interaction•       They develop an understanding of
Biogeochemical Cycling, Waste
Management and Microbial Bioremediation
CC-10: Recombinant DNA
•       To learn Milestones in genetic engineering
and biotechnology and Applications of
Recombinant DNA Technology•       They develop an understanding of Tools
and Strategies of Molecular Cloning•       Learning of Methods in Molecular Cloning

•       Learning of DNA Amplification and DNA

•       Learning of Construction and Screening of
Genomic and cDNA libraries


B2. Microbiological Analysis of Air
and Water

•       To learn about Aero Microbiology, sample
collection, analysis and control measures•       To learn Water Microbiology, analysis,
treatment and control measures
V CC-11: Food and Dairy
•       Student develop an understanding of the
concepts of Foods as a substrate for
microorganisms and Intrinsic and extrinsic
factors that affect growth and survival of
microbes in foods•       Learning of Microbial spoilage of various
foods and different Principles and methods
of food preservation•       To study the Food borne diseases and Food
sanitation and control

•       Understanding Fermented foods, Probiotics
and their Health benefits

•       Knowledge on Cultural and rapid detection
methods of food borne pathogens in foods
and introduction to predictive microbiology

CC-12: Industrial Microbiology •       To learn the Isolation of industrially
important microbial strains and fermentation
media•       Learning of Types of fermentation
processes, bio-reactors and measurement of
fermentation parameters•       Knowledge on Down-stream processing and



Enzyme immobilization

• To learn Microbial production of industrial
products (micro-organisms involved, media,
fermentation conditions, downstream
processing and uses)


A1. Microbial Biotechnology

•       To learn microbial, industrial and therapeutic
biotechnology with its application•       To learn the purification and recovery of
microbial products•       To learn about the application of microbes in
biotransformation, bioenergy and

•       Learning about RNAi and IPR


B1. Inheritance Biology

•        To understand the historical development in


•       To learn about the Mendelian principles,

linkage and crossing over

•       To learn the structural organization of

Chromosomes,          extra         chromosomal

inheritance and recombination

•        Learning human and quantitative genetics

VI CC-13: Immunology •      To understand Concept of Innate and Adaptive
immunity and Contributions of scientists to
the development of field of immunology•      To study the Immune Cells and Organs,
Antigens and Antibodies and Immunological
Disorders and Tumor Immunity•      Learning of the role of the Major
Histocompatibility Complex and Complement
System in Immunology

•      Learning of Immunological Techniques for the
benefit of mankind

CC-14: Medical Microbiology •      To study the Normal microflora of the human
body and host pathogen interaction•      Learning of diseases of various organ systems
caused by Bacterial, Viral, Fungal and
Protozoan infections•      Gaining knowledge on Collection, transport
and culturing of clinical samples and
principles of different diagnostic tests

•      To learn the Antimicrobial agents their
General characteristics and mode of action


A3. Plant Pathology

•        To understand the history of plant pathology.

•        Learning about the overall stages of

development of a plant disease, its
epidemiology, about the host pathogen



interaction, mechanism and the control
measures•      To learn about some specific plant diseasesgiving emphasis on its etiological agent,
symptoms, dissemination, life cycle and
preventive measures
DSE-B • To understand different techniques of
B3. Instrumentation and
instrumentation giving emphasis on
microscopy, chromatography, electrophoresis,
spectrophotometry and centrifugation


Programme Outcome:

  • Extensive knowledge of classical Microbiology and contemporary subjects spanning various aspects of
    basic microbiology such as Bacteriology, Virology, Biochemistry, Microbial Physiology, Immunology,
    Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Systems Biology, Immunology and Molecular biology. In
    addition to this the course also covers the applied aspects of Microbiology such as Industrial Microbiology,
    Food and Dairy Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology and Medical Microbiology.
  • The course aims to train the students to learn and appreciate the biological diversity of microbial forms so
    that they can explore and explain the processes used by microorganisms for their replication, survival, and
    interaction with their environment, hosts, and host populations. They will become aware of the important
    role microorganisms played in maintenance of a clean and healthy environment. They will learn the role of
    microorganisms in plant, animal and human health and disease.
  • The course also aims to expose the students to various biotechnological applications of microorganisms,
    the industrially important substances produced by microorganisms and the unique role of microbes in
    genetic modification technologies.
  • The practical aspects of the programme aim to make the students familiar with scientific methodology and
    execution of experiments. Students will develop the ability to think critically and to read and analyse
    scientific literature. Students will acquire and demonstrate proficiency in good laboratory practices in a
    microbiological laboratory and be able to explain the theoretical basis and practical skills of the
    tools/technologies commonly used to study this field.
  • There is immense scope of hands on training of microbiological laboratory through extensive practical
    classes and learning of microbes handling skill and exposure to extensive knowledge of molecular
    biological techniques used in research works.
  • Graduates of the B.Sc. (Honours) Microbiology programme will understand and evaluate the impact of
    new research discoveries in the field of life sciences, and will be able to pursue a wide range of careers,
    including biological and medical research in higher education institutions as well as careers in public and
    global health, scientific writing, environmental organizations, in food industry, pharmaceuticals and
    biotechnology industries. They also have the option of taking up teaching as a profession.
Semester Course Topic Course Outcome
I CC-1: Introduction to Microbiology
and Microbial Diversity
•       To understand the history of development of
Microbiology starting from the early years•       To study the diversity of Microbial World and
Systems of classification of microorganisms•       To understand the scope of microbiology
CC-2: Bacteriology •       To understand bacteriology including the
morphology, metabolism and nutrition
patterns of various bacteria, their systematics
and taxonomic positions.•       To study the important archaeal and
eubacterial groups in order to understand the
basic microorganisms
II CC-3: Biochemistry •       To understand the basic concepts of
Bioenergetics and thermodynamics•       To study and understand the
macromolecules•       To study the different types of
macromolecules, their structure, function
and role in metabolism in living organisms

•       To apply the basic knowledge for studying
the metabolism of microorganisms

CC-4: Cell Biology

•       To study the organization of cells

•       To understand the detailed structure of all
cell organelles

•       To understand the process of cell signaling
and sorting of proteins

•       To understand the process of cell cycle, cell
death and renewal



III CC-5: Virology •       To study the Nature and Properties of
Viruses and Bacteriophages•       To Study Viral Transmission, Salient
features of viral nucleic acids and
Replication•       To understand the role of viruses in cancer
and different viral diseases

•       To study the importance and application of

C-6: Microbial Physiology and
•       To study Effect of Environment on Microbial
growth and related Nutrient uptake and
Transport•       To Study Chemoheterotrophic,
Chemolithotrophic and Phototrophic
Metabolism•       To study the role of Nitrogen Metabolism in
Microbial Physiology
CC-7: Molecular Biology •       To Study Structures of DNA and RNA /
Genetic Material•       To study Replication of DNA in
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes•       To study Transcription and Post
Transcriptional modifications in Prokaryotes
and Eukaryotes

•       To study Transcription of DNA and
Regulation of gene Expression in
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes


A1. Microbial Quality Control in
Food and Pharmaceutical Industries

•       To learn the microbiological laboratory and
safe practices•       To determine microbes in food and
pharmaceutical samples•       Learning the importance of pathogenic
organisms in food and water
Learning the principles of food safety and
microbial standards of different foods and
IV CC-8: Microbial Genetics •      Learning of Genome Organization and
Mutagenesis and Molecular basis of
mutations•      Learning the Mechanisms of Genetic
Exchange Conjugation, Transformation,
Transduction•      To study Phage Genetics and Plasmids

•      To study Transposable elements and Uses of
transposons and transposition



CC-9: Environmental Microbiology •       Students develop an understanding about
Microorganisms and their Habitats Structure
and function of ecosystems in of plant
organic matter•       Learning of Microbial Interactions,
Microbe-Plant interaction and Microbe-
animal interaction•       They develop an understanding of
Biogeochemical Cycling, Waste
Management and Microbial Bioremediation
CC-10: Recombinant DNA
•       To learn Milestones in genetic engineering
and biotechnology and Applications of
Recombinant DNA Technology•       They develop an understanding of Tools
and Strategies of Molecular Cloning•       Learning of Methods in Molecular Cloning

•       Learning of DNA Amplification and DNA

•       Learning of Construction and Screening of
Genomic and cDNA libraries


B2. Microbiological Analysis of Air
and Water

•       To learn about Aero Microbiology, sample
collection, analysis and control measures•       To learn Water Microbiology, analysis,
treatment and control measures
V CC-11: Food and Dairy
•       Student develop an understanding of the
concepts of Foods as a substrate for
microorganisms and Intrinsic and extrinsic
factors that affect growth and survival of
microbes in foods•       Learning of Microbial spoilage of various
foods and different Principles and methods
of food preservation•       To study the Food borne diseases and Food
sanitation and control

•       Understanding Fermented foods, Probiotics
and their Health benefits

•       Knowledge on Cultural and rapid detection
methods of food borne pathogens in foods
and introduction to predictive microbiology

CC-12: Industrial Microbiology •       To learn the Isolation of industrially
important microbial strains and fermentation
media•       Learning of Types of fermentation
processes, bio-reactors and measurement of
fermentation parameters•       Knowledge on Down-stream processing and



Enzyme immobilization

• To learn Microbial production of industrial
products (micro-organisms involved, media,
fermentation conditions, downstream
processing and uses)


A1. Microbial Biotechnology

•       To learn microbial, industrial and therapeutic
biotechnology with its application•       To learn the purification and recovery of
microbial products•       To learn about the application of microbes in
biotransformation, bioenergy and

•       Learning about RNAi and IPR


B1. Inheritance Biology

•        To understand the historical development in


•       To learn about the Mendelian principles,

linkage and crossing over

•       To learn the structural organization of

Chromosomes,          extra         chromosomal

inheritance and recombination

•        Learning human and quantitative genetics

VI CC-13: Immunology •      To understand Concept of Innate and Adaptive
immunity and Contributions of scientists to
the development of field of immunology•      To study the Immune Cells and Organs,
Antigens and Antibodies and Immunological
Disorders and Tumor Immunity•      Learning of the role of the Major
Histocompatibility Complex and Complement
System in Immunology

•      Learning of Immunological Techniques for the
benefit of mankind

CC-14: Medical Microbiology •      To study the Normal microflora of the human
body and host pathogen interaction•      Learning of diseases of various organ systems
caused by Bacterial, Viral, Fungal and
Protozoan infections•      Gaining knowledge on Collection, transport
and culturing of clinical samples and
principles of different diagnostic tests

•      To learn the Antimicrobial agents their
General characteristics and mode of action


A3. Plant Pathology

•        To understand the history of plant pathology.

•        Learning about the overall stages of

development of a plant disease, its
epidemiology, about the host pathogen



interaction, mechanism and the control
measures•      To learn about some specific plant diseasesgiving emphasis on its etiological agent,
symptoms, dissemination, life cycle and
preventive measures
DSE-B • To understand different techniques of
B3. Instrumentation and
instrumentation giving emphasis on
microscopy, chromatography, electrophoresis,
spectrophotometry and centrifugation

Year of passing No. of students appeared No. of students passed Pass percentage Highest Scorer and Score
2018 13 13 100 Satwika Das (61.75%)
2019 12 12 100 Ankita Roy Talukder (66.75%)
2020 15 15 100 Smriti Ghosh (77.625%)
2021 23 22 95 Rima Jana CGPA 8.362
2022 16 12 75 Nimisha Majumdar CGPA 9.082
2023 18 18 100 Jissani Das CGPA 8.688


Year of passing Pass percentage Percentage of students enrolling for M.Sc Percentage of students in other professional courses
2018 100 69.23 15.38
2019 100 91.66 NIL
2020 100 73.33 20
2021 95 69.56 4.34
2022 75 62.5 NIL
2023 100 44.44 5.55

Year of passing No. of students appeared No. of students passed Pass percentage Highest Scorer and Score
2018 13 13 100 Satwika Das (61.75%)
2019 12 12 100 Ankita Roy Talukder (66.75%)
2020 15 15 100 Smriti Ghosh (77.625%)
2021 23 22 95 Rima Jana CGPA 8.362
2022 16 12 75 Nimisha Majumdar CGPA 9.082
2023 18 18 100 Jissani Das CGPA 8.688


Year of passing Pass percentage Percentage of students enrolling for M.Sc Percentage of students in other professional courses
2018 100 69.23 15.38
2019 100 91.66 NIL
2020 100 73.33 20
2021 95 69.56 4.34
2022 75 62.5 NIL
2023 100 44.44 5.55

The department organizes various events like seminars, webinars, students’ interactive sessions and industrial and institute visits throughout the year. Orientation programmes are organized every year for the freshly admitted students. Regular parent teacher meetings and constant mentoring of the students are regularly done to understand their shortcomings and provide solutions to the same.

The functioning of the department is done by organizing regular departmental meetings for discussion on teaching methods, completion of syllabus, regularity of the students and also the perception of the different students about the curriculum.

The students are also encouraged to participate in inter college competitions and activities. They also publish departmental wall magazines and organize cultural events for celebration of Teachers’ day, Fresher’s welcome and farewell programmes.


Serial No. Name of student Year of Passing Present status
1. Abul Hasan Sardar 2002 Assistant Professor, Sarsuna College, Kolkata
2. Shilpak Chatterjee 2003 Senior Scientist, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata
3. Rajat Pal 2003 HOD, School of Life Sciences, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata
4. Anindita Sengupta 2004 Senior Scientist, AstraZeneca, Cambridge, UK
5. Mamon Dey 2004 Scientist III, Aurigene Discovery Technology, Bengaluru
6. Pradipto Sarkar 2005 Officer, Institute of Health and Hygiene, Kolkata
7. Siddharta Nandan 2005 Business Analyst, Labbantage Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata
8. Somsubhra Chowdhury 2006 Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Biotechnology, SNU
9. Ishita Rehman 2009 Post Doctoral Fellow, MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Texas
10. Dipika Shaw 2011 Assistant Professor, Jawharlal Nehru Medical College, Wardha, Maharashtra
11. Suchintankar 2014 Quality Control Microbiologists, Cipla Ltd.
12. Nandini Gupta 2015 Junior Scientific Officer, Medica Superspeciality Hospital, Kolkata
13. Shrestha Sengupta 2016 Senior Executive, Life Cells


Serial No. Name of student Year of Passing Present status
1. Abul Hasan Sardar 2002 Assistant Professor, Sarsuna College, Kolkata
2. Shilpak Chatterjee 2003 Senior Scientist, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata
3. Rajat Pal 2003 HOD, School of Life Sciences, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata
4. Anindita Sengupta 2004 Senior Scientist, AstraZeneca, Cambridge, UK
5. Mamon Dey 2004 Scientist III, Aurigene Discovery Technology, Bengaluru
6. Pradipto Sarkar 2005 Officer, Institute of Health and Hygiene, Kolkata
7. Siddharta Nandan 2005 Business Analyst, Labbantage Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata
8. Somsubhra Chowdhury 2006 Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Biotechnology, SNU
9. Ishita Rehman 2009 Post Doctoral Fellow, MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Texas
10. Dipika Shaw 2011 Assistant Professor, Jawharlal Nehru Medical College, Wardha, Maharashtra
11. Suchintankar 2014 Quality Control Microbiologists, Cipla Ltd.
12. Nandini Gupta 2015 Junior Scientific Officer, Medica Superspeciality Hospital, Kolkata
13. Shrestha Sengupta 2016 Senior Executive, Life Cells

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