
Brief History of the Department: The Department of Mathematics of Sammilani Mahavidyalaya started in 1997. At first, only the general course for mathematics was started. The Honours course started in 2007. At present, the department has about 100 Honours and 200 general students registered under the University of Calcutta under the CBCS system, 2018 and CCF system, 2020. There are four Govt. approved faculty members in the department. In addition to the Honours and general courses, the Mathematics faculty members used to take extra classes in the departments of Commerce, Computer science and Chemistry classes as and when required.

  • Infrastructure: The department uses regularly, a well-equipped Mathematics software laboratory with about 20 computers for practical purposes of the departmental students and two smart classrooms other than regular allotted classrooms in the college. The department also maintains a departmental library( which are nothing but the collections of complimentary copies of books given by the publishers to the departmental teachers)  with about 500 books for the benefit of students as well as teachers, with proper accession and Book issue register maintained by the department.
  • Teaching and communication: Faculty members are committed to take regular classes for completion of syllabus within the stipulated period mentioned by the parent university. Tutorial and extra classes (in both online and offline mode) are taken for the benefit of the students. Orientation program and Entry level assessment test are usually taken for new cummer 1st semester students in each session. Class tests are taken frequently after completion of respective topics in the syllabus. Internal examination and Tutorial examinations( i.e., formation of projects in each Honours course followed by presentation and viva-voce) are the internal college components of Calcutta University Examination. Teaching by the student’s seminar method is also applied for better learning of each student.

Apart from that, teachers of the department regularly communicate with the students for mentoring and address their needs or problems in the classroom and beyond. Faculties also guide the students for their future progression in the academic field  as well as job market. Whatsapp groups were formed during the lockdown period and maintained till now for different semester students and also for overall all students of the department(both current and Alumni) for better communication.

  • Alumni: The alumni of the department maintain their connection with the department by contacts in whatsapp groups and help the department and current students as and when required. They participate in all departmental programs.
  • Activity of the Department: The department regularly organizes academic programs like Seminars, Webinars, Special Lecture Series by eminent speakers, lectures by alumni members, educational tours for all departmental students etc. Add-on courses conducted by the faculties, mini research projects by the students guided by the faculty members are part of departmental activities. The department jointly arranges programs like celebration of Mathematics Day with K.K.Das college, which involves inter-college quiz competition, poster presentation, wall magazine etc. Students whole-heartedly participate in college or district sports securing positions in individual events. In spite of these, students used to take active part in different co-curricular activities of the college.
  • Collaboration: Sammilani Mahavidyalaya has an active collaboration agreement (MOU) with K. K. Das College, Garia,a neighboring college, since 2020, under which faculty members of Department of Mathematics of both the colleges teach students of department of mathematics of the two colleges under a combined routine made by the teachers of mathematics department of both the colleges as per the resolution taken in the common meeting held before the commencement of each session, thus augmenting the faculty resources. Under MOU different programs like Seminars, Lecture series by eminent external speakers, Celebration of Mathematics Day etc. are regularly arranged jointly by the department of mathematics of both the colleges. This collaboration was particularly useful during the covid lockdown period when students of Sammilani Mahavidyalaya and K.K.Das College were taught through  online classes taken by the faculty members of both the colleges.

Academic Audit : Link to Academic Audit of the department of Mathematics for 2022-23 and 2021-22.


Dr. Sumita Das

Qualification: M. Sc, M. Phil., Ph. D.
Designation: Associate Professor
Phone Number: 9433097254Get Detail »

Dr. Malay Roy

Qualification: M. Sc, Ph. D.
Designation: Associate Professor
Phone Number: 9830509029Get Detail »

Smt. Sukti Sen

Qualification: M. Sc, M. Phil.
Designation: SACT
Phone Number: 9903859310Get Detail »

Dr. Raju Haldar

Qualification: M.Sc, Ph.D
Designation: SACT
Phone Number: 7595880408Get Detail »
Mathematics (Honours & General) Link to UG (Mathematics) Syllabus of Calcutta University : CBCS  &  CCF



Program Specific Outcomes

For B.Sc. Under-Graduate Mathematics Honours and General course, 2018 (Duration 3 years) under CBCS system

PSO-1: Gain of Academic Knowledge 

Extension of knowledge which the students have already acquired in +2 level in several areas of Mathematics such as classical algebra, abstract algebra, linear algebra, real and complex analysis, geometry and vectors, differential and integral calculus.

PSO-2: Development of Logical Sense 

The syllabus is so designed that the students are to go through abstract mathematics. In this journey they have to logically prove several theorems, corollary etc. from hypothesis. So hypothetical and logical sense have been grown in the minds of the students so that they can prove any arbitrary theorem. Also mathematical logic is a part of the syllabus to develop the logical sense of the students.

PSO-3: Reasoning and Interactive Mind 

Reasoning is very much required to understand and solve mathematical problems. Throughout the study of undergraduate programmes students practice reasoning to set up a reasonable mind to clear their doubts in mathematics by interaction.

PSO-4: Skill Development 

In the study of the course there are some to train the students about computer software which enhances the technical and computer skills of the students, which are very essential to solve mathematical problems easily.

PSO-5: Interdisciplinary Sense 

The course is so designed that there are some parts like Boolean algebra, logic gates, discrete mathematics, statistics which are common to related subjects like Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry, Statistics and Engineering. So the students will acquire interdisciplinary knowledge which can make a pathway to their future study in any branch of science technology.

PSO-6: Hands-on Training on Problem Solving 

The practical part of the course aims that the students get hands-on training to solve various problems of numerical analysis and statistics using C language. After training, students are able to solve various problems by writing programmes.

PSO-7: Research Oriented Self-Directed Learning 

In theoretical and practical parts of the course, the students have to prepare projects and practical note books in algebra, analysis, geometry, vectors, discrete mathematics, numerical analysis etc. To prepare these kinds of projects the students have to identify the topics or problems, then study about it and then formulate and solve it, which is self-directed and makes the students research oriented.

Course Outcomes 



Topic  Course Outcomes(CO)
Honours Papers


CC-1 (Under CCF) For SEM 1 

Calculus, Geometry & Vector Analysis 

Unit – I: Calculus Unit – II: Geometry

Unit – III: Vector Analysis


The learners mainly gain the nature of curves in Cartesian or polar coordinates. Moreover,

(a) there is a scope to obtain higher order derivatives and apply further wherever necessary.

(b) the students learns reduction formula of integration and L Hospital’s rule of limit to find hard integration and limit. (c) they obtain the knowledge of curve tracing and to obtain different curve characteristic terms like length of curve, curvature, envelope curve etc.

(d) students acquire the knowledge of the behaviour of plane, line and surface in space.

(e) students obtain skill to classify conics in 2D and 3D Geometry.

(f) get idea of vector product, vector function, limit, continuity, differentiation and integration.

(g) obtain the ability to apply vector concept in different brunch of applied mathematics.

(h) they are able to solve various problems related to vector equations, application to geometry and mechanics of vector analysis, which has useful applications in various branches of Mathematics and Physics.





(Under CCF) For 



Unit – I: Classical Algebra

Unit – II: Abstract Algebra

Unit – III: Linear Algebra


On completion of this course, students gain the knowledge about

1. Complex number, polynomials, inequality which will be needed in studies of real and complex analysis in coming semesters.

2. Sets, relation, mapping and notions of integer, congruence relation are foundation of Modern Algebra as well as discrete mathematics, which is also in UG Course. Moreover they have important implications in practical field like to prepare Credit card, Debit Card, ISBN, ISSN etc.

3. application to linear system of equations will help students in linear algebra course in semesters 4,5,6. Matrix theory plays one of the most important role in various other subjects like computer science, operational research etc. which have nowadays direct implications in almost every aspect of life.





Theory of Real 


Unit I: Limit and Continuity of


Unit II: 

Differentiability of functions.


Limit and Continuity 

This course will help students to know about

Very important notions of limit, continuity, uniform continuity of a real function with ε − δ approach. Many important results including Sequential criterion will help students in due courses.


Differentiability of a real function at a point, relation between continuity and differentiability of a function and related theorems, Rolle’s theorem, Cauchy’s MVT to be specially mentioned with.

The concept of maxima, minima of a function in an interval and their application. This portion plays important role in applied sciences, specially on ODE and Multivariate Calculus which is also in the UG course.

This course is the base for any further studies of analysis and many other fields and also help them to grow analytical ideas in real field and make mathematical arguments within this system.







Ring Theory & Linear Algebra I 

Unit – I: Ring


Unit – II: Linear



Ring Theory 

Ring is an ordered structure with two operators and it is a generalization of group theory which the students have already read in CC4 (semester 1). In this course the students

1. Get to study ring as arbitrary set with two operators. Definition, examples, properties of subring, subfield, integral domains and field and their properties.

2. Acquire knowledge about some well-known theorems such as isomorphism theorem, correspondence theorem.

3. These ideas are very important to study advanced algebra, linear algebra in semester 5 of undergraduate course as well as for further study of any branch of mathematics.

Linear algebra 

The students already had preliminary ideas of vectors and its analysis in semester 1, but in this course they study its algebra. They

1. Get knowledge about vector spaces and its algebra, subspaces of ℝn and its geometric significance which helps them to connect algebra with geometry.

2. Get to know linear transformations, its algebra and representations, Eigen values, Eigen vectors, characteristic equations, Cayley-Hamilton theorem which gives a new method for finding the inverse of a matrix.








equation & 


calculus I 

Unit – I 

Ordinary differential equation

Unit – II 


Calculus – I


On completion of this course, the students will acquire knowledge on

1. acquire elementary knowledge and skill of solving problems on certain types of linear and non- linear ordinary differential equations, also acquire knowledge on certain types of second order ordinary differential equations and their applications in Applied Science.

2. solving various problems related to Power series solution, Biological & Mechanical model, vector calculus which has useful applications in various branches of Mathematics and Physics.

3. solving various problems related to multivariate calculus, which is a powerful tool for understanding the geometry of real n-dimensional space.

4. Obtain the knowledge on limit, continuity and differentiability of n-dimensional space curves and surfaces.






Integration & 

Series of functions 

Unit – I: Riemann Integration

Unit – II: Improper Integral

Unit – III: Series of functions


This course will help students to acquire knowledge about 1. Riemann integration which is a generalisation of definite integration. Concept of negligible set,

primitive, application of Lebesgue theorem and many important properties and theorems.

2. Improper integral and existence of their finite values and Beta Gamma functions with their


3. Sequence and series of functions, power series and their pointwise convergence, uniform convergence to limit function.

All these concepts are widely applied in integral and differential calculus, differential equations to physics problems.





Partial Differential Equation & 



Unit – I: Partial

Differential Equation

Unit – II:




On completion of this course, the students will acquire 1. elementary knowledge and skill for solving problems of certain types of linear and non-linear partial differential equations, also acquire knowledge on certain types of second order partial differential equations and their applications in Mathematical Physics.

2. Concept of Cauchy problem, Cauchy-Kowalewskaya theorem, Cauchy problem of finite & infinite string and their applications in Mathematical Physics.

3. elementary knowledge and skill of solving problems on multiple integral and centre of gravity, surface and volume of revolution. knowledge on vector calculus and their applications in Mathematical Physics.









Unit – I: Statics

Unit – II: Particle Dynamics

Unit – III: Many

Particle System


On completion of this course, the students will acquire knowledge on

(a) Reduction of forces in 2D and 3D system.

(b) condition of stability and instability of a system by a system of forces

(c) how the frictional force work with the interaction two bodies and also the stability in the environment of frictional force

(d) virtual work and one can check the condition of stability using virtual work done.

(e) rectilinear motion of a particle in straight line and in two and three dimension

(f) orbital motion and its stability. It will help in research of artificial satellite.

(g) work, power, energy and energy conservation maintain in different systems.

(h) linear and angular momentum principal and energy conservation in many particle systems.

(i) over all study help to research in particle physics.





Probability and Statistics. 

Unit I: Probability Unit II: Statistics.


This course will introduce students to

1. the theory of probability, basic knowledge about one and two dimensional probability distribution,

distribution function, conditional probability,

expectation, some special distributions, generating functions etc. and problems related to all these topics. 2. the statistical theory build up on the basis of probability theory and help students in solving problems on parameter estimation viz., point and interval estimation, level of significance, concept of hypothesis and their various applications based on real life data.

This course lay foundation to one of the most beautiful and practically oriented subject Statistics.







Group theory II & Linear Algebra II 

Unit I: Group theory.

Unit II: Linear



Group theory II 

The students who had preliminary ideas of definition and properties of groups, now in this course

1. Acquire conceptual knowledge about automorphism group and its properties and applications of factor group to automorphism groups.

2. Can extend their skills to study further about external and internal direct product of groups, the existence of some well-known theorems such as Cauchy theorem, converse of Lagrange’s theorem and Fundamental theorem only on finite Abelian groups.

Linear Algebra II 

This course is an extension of Linear Algebra I in CC6. In this course the students go through the study of advanced linear algebra such as

1. Inner product spaces, Gram-Schmidt process of orthogonalization and orthonormalization of vectors, Bessel’s inequality, linear operators, linear bilinear quadratic form of vectors, Sylvester’s law of inertia etc.

2. Dual spaces, transpose of linear transformation and its matrix in the dual basis, annihilators, eigen spaces, diagonalizability, inverse and subspaces, Jordan and rational canonical form.

These concepts are very essentials for further studies as well as for competitive examinations.









Metric space & Complex analysis 

Unit I: Metric space.

Unit II: Complex analysis


Metric space 

Metric space is a generalization of Real line. On completion of study of metric space, the students

1. get the idea of abstraction of modulus distance function from real line to abstract field to form a metric space by axiomatic approach.

2. acquire knowledge of extension of real analysis i.e., open set, interiors, closure, convergence of sequence, continuity, uniform continuity, various types of compactness, connectedness, contraction maps, etc. in arbitrary Meric space.

3. know about Banach Fixed Point theorem which has an application for solving ordinary differential equations.

These ideas help the students to study arbitrary vector spaces and topological spaces.

Complex analysis: 

In semester 2, the students already had ideas of real analysis and a set of complex numbers in a superset of real numbers. Here, in this course, students get to know about

1. Well-known stereographic projection, complex plane, differential calculus and integral calculus of complex numbers

2. Uniform and absolute convergence of power series, radius of convergence

Difference between real analysis and complex analysis.








Numerical Analysis 

Unit I: Rounding of real and machine

numbers, Errors,



Unit II: 



Unit III: Numerical Differentiations.

Unit IV: Solution of Transcendental and Polynomial


Unit V: Solution of Ordinary Differential equations.


Nowadays, application of numerical analysis spreads in various areas in social sciences. Those problems are difficult to solve in an analytic method but it can be solved through a numerical method. But has a limitation that there may involve small errors that do not affect much. On completion of this course, the students will acquire knowledge on

(a) numerical calculation, which gives most of the time some errors. Here is a scope to learn different types of errors that appear during calculation.

(b) different interpolation, numerical differentiation and numerical integration rule.

(c) finding roots of polynomial and transcendental equations in different methods. In general, we cannot find the roots of transcendental equations in an analytic method. (d) to find the solution of a system of linear equations in different numerical methods.

(e) to find the eigen values of a real symmetric matrix. (f) solution of initial and boundary value problem. All the above said numerical methods are hugely used in solving different research problems in the real world. So it gained serious attention to the students of science background.





C Programming



Computer programming is now very much essential for the study of different areas of social science. Software wholly depends on computer programming. On completion of this course, the students will acquire knowledge

(a) on basic keywords, functions and data type used in C programming language

(b) on condition, loop and structure that used to make computer program

(c) on defining array, user defined function, pointer and creating a file through C.

Thus students will learn a soft-skill in the area of computer science and can take entry to the software industry.







On completion of this course, the students will acquire knowledge

(a) on advance computing up to desired accuracy (b) on programming technique

(c) on plotting different kinds of function that help to predict the behaviour of the function. This is an extra feature inbuilt in this software than other programming compilers.

Thus study of SageMath helps students to move in research motivation.












Unit – I: Group


Unit – II: Ring



After successful completion of this particular course the students has extended their knowledge about

1. Group action & permutation representation associated with a given group action, basic applications of group actions, Generalised Cayley’s theorem and Index theorem

2. Generalised theory of Ring, basic idea of which they have already read in CC6. In this part of ring theory they also acquire knowledge about Principal Ideal Domain and Its properties Euclidean domain, Factorisation domain, Unique factorisation Domain & inter relations among them.

3. Polynomial ring as an example of Factorisation domain, Euclidean algorithm, Eisenstein criterion etc.

4. Regular rings, its examples & properties ideals etc. which are very much essential to study higher course of pure mathematics as well as in the research field.






Linear Programming & Game Theory


On completion of this course, the students will acquire

1. fundamental knowledge on the theory of basic and basic feasible solutions and their properties, convex sets based on the knowledge of linear algebra studied in previous semesters.

2. the skills on the solution of a Linear Programming Problem by Simplex Method. Also acquire knowledge on duality, transportation problem, assignment problem and travelling salesman problem.

This course is very much important in present day Mathematics, like in the field of Operation Research, Modelling, Financial Mathematics.









On completion of this course,the students will acquire knowledge

1. Concept of power series solution of Bessel’s & Legendre’s equation, Laplace transform and their application in Mathematical Physics.







Point Set Topology 

Unit – I: Topological spaces.

Unit – II:

Countability and

Separation Axioms

Unit – III:

Compactness and Connectedness


Topology is an abstraction of real analysis and a generalization of metric spaces which the students have already read in 1st semester CC3 and 6th semester CC13 courses. In this course the students

1. Realize that there are various extensions of real numbers in which the set of reals is a subset of them. 2. Understand the construction of real numbers is relatively unimportant to get a topology on it.

3. Get knowledge about axiomatic set theory which is one of the pivotal concept of set theoretic approach of topology.

4. Get ideas of the extension of topological open sets, closed sets limit points, neighbourhood, convergence, continuity etc. from the set of real numbers to arbitrary topological spaces and topological properties like compactness, connectedness, separation axioms etc., some of which hold in the set of real numbers but not all.

5. Acquire knowledge about ℝn(n copies of ℝ) as well as ℝw arbitrary product of ℝ. Not only that, but they also come to know about many well-known examples of topological space.

6. Get experience to construct topology in an arbitrary space and can solve problems which makes them able to study further branch of advanced theory of pure mathematics.





Unit-1 : Algebra-I

Unit-2 : Differential


Unit-3 : Differential


Unit-4 : Coordinate



The knowledge of basic mathematical ideas of algebra, differential calculus and its applications, 1st and 2nd order differential equations and two and three dimensional geometry, which are generalizations of mathematics syllabus which students already studied at +2 level. These ideas will help them to develop mathematical practice to enter in the next level of study in GE2.




Unit-1 : Differential


Unit-2 : Differential


Unit-3 : Vector Algebra Unit-4 : Discrete



The course of GE2 is so designed that students will be able to gain the knowledge about the next part of GE1, i.e., differential calculus II, differential equation II, vector algebra as a generalization of geometry and discrete mathematics which is very essential nowadays in application to computer science and modern algebra, graph theory as well as in our Everyday life while using Debit and Credit Cards, ISBN number for Books, Bar code for any product etc. .





Unit-1 : Integral Calculus

Unit-2 : Numerical Methods

Unit-3 : Linear



Integral Calculus 

From this course, students acquire knowledge of integral calculus and its application in geometry, numerical analysis and linear programming problems, each of which is very necessary for further study in any field of science as well as in the competitive examinations.

Numerical Methods 

Nowadays, application of numerical analysis spreads in various areas in social sciences. Those problems are difficult to solve in an analytic method but it can be solved through a numerical method. On completion of this course, the students will acquire knowledge on

(a) numerical calculation, which gives most of the time some errors. Here is a scope to learn different types of errors that appear during calculation.

(b) different interpolation, numerical differentiation and numerical integration rule.

(c) finding roots of polynomial and transcendental equations in different methods. In general, we cannot find the roots of transcendental equations in an analytic method.

(d) to find the solution of a system of linear equations in different numerical methods.

All the above said numerical methods are hugely used in solving different research problems in the real world. So it gained serious attention to the students of science Background.

Linear Programming 

On completion of this course, the students will acquire

1. fundamental knowledge on the theory of basic and basic feasible solutions and their properties, convex sets based on the knowledge of linear algebra studied in previous semesters.

2. the skills on the solution of a Linear Programming Problem by Simplex Method. Also acquire knowledge on duality, transportation problem, assignment problem and travelling salesman problem.

This course is very much important in present day Mathematics, like in the field of Operation Research, Modelling, Financial Mathematics.



Unit-1 : Algebra-II

Unit-2 : Computer

Science & Programming Unit-3 : Probability & Statistics


In this course students study modern algebra, computer science and methods of programming and also probability and statistics which play important roles in present day mathematics.





DSE – A (Any 


Particle Dynamics


Students acquire the knowledge of

(a) rectilinear motion of a particle in straight line and in two and three dimension

(b) orbital motion and its stability. It will help in research of artificial satellites.

(c) work, power, energy and energy conservation are maintained in different systems.

(d) linear and angular momentum principle and energy conservation in many particle systems.

Graph Theory 


On Completion of This Course, the students will acquire knowledge of basic graph theory, paths, circuits, trees and their application in Mathematical algorithms. To find the shortest path using Dijkstra’s algorithm, Floyd-Warshall algorithm.






This course is an extension of Real Analysis. Here students will study the concept of point-wise and Uniform convergence of sequence of functions and series of functions. They also learn periodic Fourier series and it’s convergence, Laplace Transform, it’s properties and application to the solution of ordinary Differential equations.


SEC – B 

Boolean Algebra


Boolean algebra as a skill enhancement course is very helpful for students to develop skill about Boolean algebra as a distributive lattice, Boolean polynomials, Karnaugh diagram, switching circuits which plays a very crucial role in present day Mathematics and Computer science.




Mapping of PSO and CO 

CO1  √  √ √ 
CO2  √  √  √ √ 
CO3  √  √  √ √ 
CO4  √  √  √ √ 
CO5  √  √  √ √ 
CO6  √  √  √ √ 








√ √ 


√ √ 









√ √ 

√ √ √ 

√ √ 












√ √ 

√ √ √ 

√ √ √ 


CO16  √  √ √ √ 
CO17  √  √  √ 
CO18  √  √ √ √ 
CO19  √  √ √ √ 
CO20  √  √  √ 




Attainment of Course & Programme Outcomes 

The target of the Mathematics Department is to implement the methodology of teaching learning process based on the syllabus of each course and programs framed by the affiliating University. For attainment of Course and Programme outcomes the institution adopts several methods of assessing the students. The methods fall under two categories: Direct and Indirect.

Direct methods are employed to assess students’ knowledge and skills in their regular assessment protocols. Class test, internal assessment tests, end semester examinations, seminars, laboratory assignments, practical classes and projects based on curriculum.

Indirect methods such as Add-on /Certificate courses, Departmental seminars, Educational tours, Mathematical quiz contests, Poster presentation, Research projects etc. that enhance the students’ knowledge, skill and self confidence which are essential for the progression of the students to higher studies and placements after completing graduation.

Also feedback given by each student reflects on students’ views on Course and programme outcomes and their impact on learning and future applications.

Following tables show the various methods used in the assessment process that periodically documents and demonstrates the degree to which the Course Outcomes are attained. They include information on: a) Listing and description of the assessment processes used to gather the data, and b) The frequency with which these assessment processes are carried out.



Direct Assessment Method




1  Entry level assessment Test

Once for newly

It is a surprise test taken at the beginning of

admitted 1st Sem

the study of UG syllabus to assess students’

(year) students

knowledge at the (+2) level of study.



Assessment Test

Once in a semester

Internal Assessment is taken on full

on each course

syllabus after completion. It will be for 10

marks of each course..

3 Class Test Frequently It is a method used to continuously assess the student’s understanding capabilities.


4 End Semester Examination

Once in a semester End Semester examinations (theory or practical) are centrally held by the

University to assess the learning ability and

theoretical knowledge of the student.

End Semester Examinations are held

ordinarily at the end of the concerned

Semester, i.e., Semester-I, Semester-III,

Semester-V in December-January and

Semester-II, Semester-IV, Semester-VI in





5 Practical Semester Examination

In 6th semester

End Semester practical examinations assess


whether all the students have acquired the

practical applications of the particular

subject by hands-on training.

Examinations are held along with the

theoretical schedule,




Once in a semester

15 % of the total marks is assigned to the

on each course

tutorial exam in each course which is

distributed in equal marks distribution in

Project copy, project presentation and

viva-voce. These are conducted to assess

student’s conception, communication and

presentation skills along with depth of the

subject knowledge.

7 Attendance

As per CU rules Total 10 Marks is allotted for all CBCS courses:

The marks obtained of every course from

Class Attendance by the students is the

following manner.

6 marks for attending 60% or above but less

than 75% of the number of lectures


8 marks for attending 75% or above but less

than 90% of the number of lectures

delivered 10 marks for attending 90% or

above of lectures delivered, and such

attendance are calculated from the date of

commencement of classes or date of

admission whichever is later)


  1. Internal assessment dates and record of marks
  2. Results of 2018,19,20,21,22

Title of the Course: The Mathematica: Math Solver, Programmer and a Drawing tool


An 30-hour Add-on course entitled “The Mathematica: Math Solver, Programmer and a Drawing tool” organized by the Department of Mathematics during 12 – 29 October, 2022. This course was inaugurated by our respected Teacher-in-Charge Dr. Sharmila Chakraborty. She delivered motivational speeches and talked about the relevance of such courses in the present day curriculum. Two hour duration of total 15 classes was taken beyond regular scheduled classes, offline mode  by Dr. Malay Roy and Dr. Raju Haldar of Department of mathematics, Sammilani Mahavidyalaya. There are 34 students and alumnus who participated in the said courses. Students gathered knowledge about the mathematical software and its use in mathematical science. The students learn how to solve mathematical problems and draw graphs using Mathematica. The knowledge on mathematica will help students in higher studies and research.  Most of the students gave feedback showing interest and they are keen to participate in this type of courses in future. They were also informed that this type of course will help them in their professional career. Overall, this curriculum can be considered as satisfactory and successful.

  1. Teaching & Learning:


  • Teaching Method: Generally classes are taken in offline mode. Online classes are taken for the classes attended by the students of both the colleges, Sammilani Mahavidyalaya & K. K. Das College, under MOU. We frequently use smart classrooms, google classroom and powerpoint for better understanding of the students. Students are guided by the teachers to develop their knowledge on the basis of the following:
  • Disciplinary Knowledge: Teaching plan & time schedule are used to prepare according to the Calcutta University Syllabus.
  • Critical Reasoning & Problem Analysis: Faculties try to explain methodically all the nitty gritty of the theoretical portion of the syllabus with the help of related examples and problems.
  • Develop Interdisciplinary Knowledge: There are topics such as Differential equations, Linear programming problem(LPP), Probability and Statistics, Discrete Mathematics, Statics and Dynamics enclosed in the syllabus, which have huge applications in different branches of science and technology, Commerce and also in the field of Arts. Special interdisciplinary lecture series also have been arranged for students of other departments for catering their needs. Recently,  the department has offered an Interdisciplinary Course (Mathematics in daily life ) which has been included in the mathematics syllabus under NEP-2020,for students of other disciplines except Pure Science.
  • Soft and technical Skill: In the mathematics syllabus under CBCS, 2018 and CCF, 2020, there are Skill Enhancement courses (SEC), like C-programming, SAGEMATH, PYTHON, LATEX softwares in which student used to undergo by the training of the departmental teachers to develop their communication.
  • Self Directed learning: Learning by Student’s seminar method is regularly applied for 2nd and 3rd year students. Assignments are given to them by the teachers and they have to study and prepare a seminar lecture and present that in the class with an interactive session. Apart from this, advanced learners of final year are directed to study topics in the advanced field of mathematics and prepare a research survey project, under the guidance of departmental teachers.
  • Experiential Learning: The Practical portion of the syllabus deals with soft and technical skill development of their study. They have to solve several mathematical problems by using C-programming language with the help of computers in the departmental computer laboratory under the guidance of teachers of the department.
  • Employability options: Students used to learn Statistics, Discrete mathematics, Software like C programming, SAGEMATH, which are very helpful to participate in job fairs organized by the college for campus recruitment by various companies and also for any type of entrance examination and facing interviews.
  • Develop research related skills: Advanced students are encouraged to do mini research projects. In the 2022-23 session, some students of the outgoing 6th semester prepared a survey report on Baudhayana-the Sulba-Sutras, guided by the faculty members Dr. Sumita Das  and Ms. Sukti Sen of the Department of Mathematics.



  1. Facilities:
  • Laboratory: There is a computer software laboratory associated with the department of Mathematics consisting of 20 computers for the usage of the students for the purpose of practical classes on Numerical methods, SEC classes like C-programming, SAGEMATH, Python and LATEX.
  • Seminar Library: We have a formidable Departmental Library for reference books. Both teachers and students have access to this library. There is a departmental book issue register in which students and faculties register themselves for lending of books.  .
  • ICT Facilities: In spite of the computer software laboratory, two Smart classrooms are frequently used for the students and faculties to take regular classes, seminar presentations, quiz contests etc. according to the requirements.

Evaluation System:

The Internal and tutorial part of CU examinations for each semester and class tests are part of our regular evaluation system. In 1st semester there is a system to take an Entry level assessment test to evaluate their basic knowledge in Mathematics and distinguish advanced and slow learners.

Participative/ Experiential Learning:

i) Experiential Learning:

  • Every year we arrange departmental seminars.
  • Also faculties guide students for preparing wall magazines, poster presentations etc.
  • We have conducted an educational tour on 11.10.2023 to Ramkrishna Mission Residential College. The faculties and Students attended a lecture by Dr. Parthasarathi Mukhopadhayay and visited “The ZERO GALLERY” there.


ii) Participative Learning:

  • Celebrating National Mathematics Day – 2022, 2023 (Poster Presentation & Quitz)
  • Student Seminars were organized regularly.

  Co-curricular & Extra-curricular: The departmental students are very much involved in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities held in the college and outside.

Link to the details of the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the students are given below:


Mou & Related Activities: Sammilani Mahavidyalaya (SMV) has an active collaboration agreement (MOU) with K. K. Das College (KKDC), Garia, a neighboring college, since 2020 under which faculties of Departments of Mathematics of both the colleges teach students of both SMV and KKDC. Both the colleges jointly organize various events like Departmental Seminar, National Mathematics Day etc.


Alumni: The alumni of the department maintain their connection with the department by contacts in whatsapp groups and help the department and current students as and when required. They participate in all departmental programs.

Alumni Activities: The college formed an alumni group named “Parampara – the alumni study circle”, to involve eligible alumni members in the teaching process. The college encourages eligible alumni members to deliver special lectures to the current students of respective departments of the college. The Department of Mathematics also organizes such lectures in each academic session.  The alumni regularly arrange reunion of the students  of this department, normally on Teacher’s Day and also take part in different events and activities like Educational tour, Add-on courses, Book fair, Blood donation camp etc. organized by the department and college.