

The department of Geography started its journey in July, 2000, with only seven students in General stream and one part-time faculty. The first Full-time faculty (substantive) joined in January, 2001 and in the same year, the department got affiliation from its parent university for introducing Honours course in Geography. It was the growing demand for geography in the surrounding semi-urban locality that had motivated Sammilani Mahavidyalaya to introduce the course. After a long span of more than twenty years, today, the department is bustling with about two hundred students in both honours and general streams, two full-time faculties in substantive posts, four ‘State Aided College Teachers’ (SACT) and one laboratory attendant. Our strength is our students – they are mostly first generation learners and are from economically underprivileged sector. So, it’s a big challenge to the department to provide quality education to the students and to groom them to be economically self sufficient. The departmental faculties are doing this successfully.


The vision of the department is to develop itself as a centre of academic repute through quality teaching that encourages development of geographical outlook, critical thinking ability, research aptitude, language competence and strong ethical value.


  • The primary mission of the department of geography is holistic development of the students with emphasis on geographical aptitude and thereby, to make them able to contribute effectively for their individual welfare and for the welfare of the society as well.
  • The department is committed to offer comprehensive higher educational knowledge in geography and allied disciplines to the students, most of who are first generation learners and are from economically underprivileged sector.
  • The department has a mission to familiarize the students with modern technologies, methods and facilities through learning experiences, so that, they can meet the challenges to come, in this ever changing modern world.
  • The department is committed to foster professional and communication skill among the students, to develop their personalities and to make them suitable for professional lives.
  • The department is always trying to create a learning environment that helps to instill in students strong ethical value, the sense of responsibility and self reliance.


Dr. Paramita Dasgupta

Qualification: M.Sc.,B.Ed.,Ph.D.
Designation: Associate Professor
Phone Number: 9830024738
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Sri. Kamonasish Mistry

Qualification: M.Sc.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone Number: 9062411003
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Smt. Arundhuti Mukherjee

Qualification: M.A., B.Ed
Designation: State Aided College Teacher
Phone Number: 9903941110Get Detail »

Smt. Saheli Ghosh

Qualification: M.Sc, B.Ed
Designation: State Aided College Teacher
Phone Number: 9674646102
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Sri Achintya Pramanik*

Qualification: M.Sc., B.Ed
Designation: State Aided College Teacher
Phone Number: 7980775835Get Detail »

Sri Nayan Roy

Qualification: M.A.
Designation: State Aided College Teacher
Phone Number: 7980207726Get Detail »
As an affiliated college under the University of Calcutta, we strictly follow the curriculum prescribed by our parent University and the Department offers course options accordingly. Till 2018 we followed the three years’ Honours and General Degree courses under 1+1+1 system and offered both Honours and General courses in Geography. In 2018 Semester system was introduced under Choice Based Credit Syatem (CBCS) and we continued to offer both Honous and Genearl Programmes in Geography(GEOA & GEOG). In session 2023-24, NEP, 2020 was implemented by our Parent University and Curriculum and Credit Framework (CCF) for Undergraduate courses has been introduced. Currently the Department is following this system and is offering the courses as shown below:


Courses Offered Course code Duration Examination sysetm Total Credits

B.Sc. Major in Geography

(without research)

GEOM 4 years Semester

DSCC – 25×4= 100 credits;

SEC 4×3=12 credits;

B.Sc. Major in Geography

(with research)

GEOM 4 years Semester

DSCC – 22X4=88 credits;

Research work-12credits;

SEC 4×3=12 credits;


B.Sc Multidisciplinary (MDC) with Geography MGEO 3 years Semester

DSCC- 4×8=32 credits;

SEC 4×1=4 credits;

B.A/B.Sc. Interdisciplinary (IDC) in Geography GEOD 6 months (In any one semester of 1 or 2or 3) Semester 03 credits;

Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs)

(Under CBCS)

Session 2018-2022


  1. Name of the Programme: B.Sc Honours in Geography – GEOA (under CBCS)


 Knowledge and Skill development:

PO 1. The three years’ (six semesters) Honours course in Geography helps the students to develop strong insight into the different fields of Physical Geography like Geotectonics, Geomorphology, Climatology, Soil and Bio-geography, Hydrology, Oceanography etc.

PO 2. Along with the elements of Physical Geography, the programme also focuses on the components of Human, Economic, Social and Cultural Geography and enables the students to correlate these components in a meaningful manner.

PO 3. The programme helps to enhance the quantitative aptitude of the students through exercises on quantitative techniques and statistical methods.

PO4. Studying Cartographic Techniques, which is an important component of the curriculum of the programme, the students can acquire thorough knowledge in the field of surveying, map making, map projection and map reading. They also get opportunity to become conversant with different types of maps and with the essential components of a map.

PO5. The ICT based modules on Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (RS –GIS) help them to be acquainted with the modern techniques of geographical data acquisition, data analysis, data interpretation, and data representation and enhances their computer usage skill.

PO6. The Programme also includes modules on Research Methodology, Field Work, Project report Preparation etc. and thereby provides the students with strong analytical skill, research aptitude, problem solving skill, critical thinking ability, observation power and management skill.

PO7. In course of their study, the students have to conduct questionnaire survey in the field, present posters, prepare project reports and appear before the subject experts for viva voce. All these help them to develop their communication skill, presentation skill and writing skill.

In a nutshell, studying the three years’ UG Honours course in Geography, the students acquire the ability to synthesize geographical knowledge, apply it scientifically to solve various pressing problems of the community, the region and the world and communicate properly the solutions and findings both in oral and written format.


Opportunity in the field of Higher Studies:

PO8. After completion of this programme, the students will be able to pursue higher studies (Master degree or equivalent) in Geography or in allied subjects like Urban and Regional Planning, Environmental Science, Archaeology, Marine Science, Meteorology, Remote Sensing and GIS etc. in different higher education institutions within India or in abroad.

PO9. The students may also opt for research career in different research institutes.

PO10. They may also enroll themselves for different professional courses like MBA, MCA, B.Ed, RS-GIS certificate course etc.

Career Opportunity:


PO11. The knowledge and skills acquired by the students during their under graduate geography course, make them competent enough for multiple careers. After completion of the three years’ honours course in Geography, a student may pursue his/her career as a –

Teacher in academic institutions

Research personnel  in the research institutes


Environmental consultant/scientist

Town/urban  planner

GIS professional

Geospatial Analyst

Remote sensing professional

Conservator of forest

Consultant in the field of soil and agriculture

Land use specialist and planner etc.

Market Research professional



Development of awareness and understanding of some of the burning issues of the contemporary world:


PO12. Under graduate programme in Geography(Honours) offers opportunity to deal with some burning issues of the modern era and develop solutions to the same, like – global warming, climate change, hazard and disaster management, water conservation, urban expansion, population explosion, environmental pollution and sustainability.

Thus, the programme not only provides the graduates with solid knowledge base, research aptitude and professional skill, but helps them to be conscious, responsible and self reliant citizens also.

 Course Outcome (CO)

Semester Course Code Course Name Credit Outcome
Sem 1 CC1 Geotectonics & Geomorphology 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Understanding of the tectonic and structural characteristics of the earth and the resulting processes and landforms with special reference to the recent developments in plate tectonic theory.

Idea about the different geomorphological agents, geomorphological processes and the resulting landforms.

Knowledge about the theories on landform evolution with special reference to the concepts of some pioneers like Davis, Penck, Hack and King.

Hands on experience of handling clinometer and ability to measure dip and strike of rock beds in the field with the help of this instrument.

Ability to identify different rocks and minerals in the field.

Acquaintance with the basic features of SOI Topographical maps and ability    to do some practical exercises on it and extract relevant information through application of morphometric techniques.

CC 2 Cartographic Techniques 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Familiarity with different types of map and the components of map.

Comprehensive knowledge on map making and associated issues like geographical coordinate system, linear and angular measurement, map projection and related concepts.

Sem 2 CC3 Human Geography 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Understanding of the nature, scope, elements and recent trends in human geography.

Concept on evolution of human society and man-environment relationship.

Concept on demographic characteristics.

Knowledge about rural and urban settlements.

CC4 Thematic Mapping and Surveying 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Development of knowledge on diagrammatic representation of data and ability to do the same using proper techniques.

Acquaintance with the geological maps and weather maps and expertise in techniques necessary to interpret the same.

Competence in usage of different  surveying instruments like prismatic compass, dumpy level, theodolite etc. and collection of data in the field using the same.

Sem 3 CC5 Climatology 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Comprehensive knowledge about the earth’s atmosphere and the major atmospheric phenomena like atmospheric pressure and temperature, circulation, precipitation, cyclones and frontogenesis, thunderstorm etc.

Knowledge about some special phenomena like monsoon, jet stream, el nino etc.

Acquaintance with the existing schemes of climatic classification.

Ability to measure different climatic elements like rainfall, humidity, atmospheric temperature, air pressure etc. using analog instruments.

Ability to interpret daily weather map and forecast the weather.

Knowledge on graphical and diagrammatic representation of different weather phenomena.

CC6 Hydrology and Oceanography 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Understanding of the Global hydrological cycle, its various components and its role.

Awareness about the need of water conservation and an overall understanding of the measures to be taken for the same.

Development of an overall knowledge on Ocean water, its properties, circulation, underwater topography etc.

Understanding of the significance of sea level change and its impact.

A general idea about marine resources and their sustainable utilization.

Ability to represent the hydrological data graphically and diagrammatically and interpret the same.

CC7 Statistical methods in Geography 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Understanding of the importance of statistical data in Geography

Theoretical knowledge on statistical methods and techniques like measuring central tendency, sampling, correlation regression etc.

Ability to apply those techniques using real life geographical data.

Development of quantitative aptitude and analytical skill.

SEC A3 Tourism Management


No practical component

Development of skill in the field of tourism management, tourism planning and tourism marketing.

Comprehensive knowledge about the different sectors of tourism like eco-tourism, medical tourism, cultural tourism, adventure tourism, pilgrimage tourism etc.

Awareness on the impact of tourism and need of sustainable tourism.

Sem 4 CC8 Economic Geography 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Comprehensive knowledge about the fundamental concepts of economic geography.

Knowledge about economic activities (primary, secondary and tertiary) and the location theories of economic activities.

Ability to represent different types of economic data diagrammatically, using suitable techniques.

CC 9 Regional Planning and Development 4(Th)+2(Pr)

An understanding of the concept, types and principles of Regional Planning.

Knowledge about the  theories of Regional development and the relevant models.

Familiarity  with the concepts of development and under development with reference to the causes.

Ability to represent economic data diagrammatically, using suitable techniques.

CC10 Soil and Biogeography 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Knowledge about the factors of soil formation and the physical and chemical properties of soil.

An insight into the origin and characteristics of some major soil types.

Understanding of the causes and consequences of soil erosion and degradation.

Acquaintance with the major schemes of soil classification.

Development of clear conception about the different elements of biogeography like biosphere, ecosystem, biome, food chain, food web, energy flow etc.

Knowledge of bio-geochemical cycles.

Understanding of the causes of deforestation and its management.

Understanding of the types, threats and conservation of biodiversity,

Expertise in determining the soil properties in the laboratory.

Ability to represent soil data and bio-geographical data using suitable cartographic techniques.

SEC B4 Sustainable Development


No practical component

A comprehensive understanding of global environmental issues, the necessity of sustainable development and the conflicts, crisis and compromises, associated in this context.

Sem 5


CC11 Research Methodology and Field work 4(Th)+2(Pr)

A detailed theoretical knowledge about the different components of research methodology.

Ability to choose an appropriate and relevant research problem and chalk out a systematic and effective plan to resolve the same.

Awareness on ethical practices in the field of research and publication.

Ability to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical experience.

Development of analytical skill and good observation power.

Development of data analysis and presentation skill.

Enhancement of writing skill.


CC12 Remote Sensing, GIS and GNSS 4(Th)+2(Pr)

A comprehensive knowhow  about the theoretical principles associated with remote sensing like – types of RS satellite, types of sensors, image referencing schemes, acquisition of satellite data, preparation of FCC, image interpretation etc.

Hands on experience of image georeferencing, image enhancement, preparation of reflectance libraries of land use land cover  features, supervised classification, post-classification analysis etc. using IRS LISS 3 and Landsat OLI data.

Understanding of the basic principles of Geographical Information System (GIS) including types of data, preparation of attribute table, data manipulation and overlay analysis.

Expertise in preparation of annotated thematic maps using GIS.

Both theoretical and practical knowledge on GNSS positioning, waypoint collection and exporting to GIS database.


DSE A -2 Climate Change: Vulnerability and Adaptation 4(Th)+2(Pr)

An overall knowledge and awareness about the burning issue of climate change.

Understanding of the causes of climate change on a global scale.

Ability to understand the significance of climate change both theoretically as well as through preparation and interpretation of the graphical representations of data on different climatic parameters (over a period of at least 30 years).

Ability to assess the vulnerability of climate change and the undertake adaptive measures

DSE B-5 Cultural and Settlement Geography 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Knowledge on scope and content of cultural geography, its development in relation to other disciplines, cultural realm, cultural diffusion, major races, religions and languages of the world.

Knowledge on nature, characteristics, site, situation and morphology of both rural and urban settlements and the relevant models.

Understanding of the different schemes of functional classification of cities.

Ability to represent social and cultural data cartographically and to identify different types of settlements using Survey of India 1:50k topographical maps.

CC 13 Evolution of Geographical Thought 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Perception on the evolution of philosophy of Geography from ancient period to modern era.

Ability to integrate geography with other disciplines and to understand man-environment relationship.

Knowledge on different approaches of geographical thought and contribution of their proponents.

Ability to present the basic concepts of different schools of geographical thought by means of poster, which not only ensures clear understanding of the subject matter, but also enhances the students’ communication and presentation skill.

CC 14 Hazard Management 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Perception on hazards and disasters, assessment of risk and vulnerability associated with hazards and responses to hazards.

Knowledge on vulnerability, consequences and management of different hazards like earthquake, landslide, land subsidence, tropical cyclone, flood, river bank erosion, coastal erosion, fire and different types of biohazards with special reference to India and West Bengal.

Ability to prepare a project report on any of the above mentioned hazards using secondary data, which enhances their reading habit, writing skill, presentation skill, critical thinking ability etc.

DSE A -4 Resource Geography 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Knowledge about significance, classification, utilization, depletion and conservation of resources.

Comprehensive idea about the contemporary energy crisis and political conflicts associated with the same.

Understanding of the concept of sustainable resource management and its significance.

Ability of mapping different resources and identification of the changes.

Ability to compute Human Development Index (HDI).

DSE B-8 Geography of India 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Comprehensive knowledge of physical, economic and socio-cultural characteristics (physiography, climate, soil, vegetation, population, agriculture, industry, power resources) of India and West Bengal.

Idea on regionalization of India.

Awareness on some regional issues of West Bengal.

Skill to portray the regional characteristics using different cartographic techniques.




B, Name of the Programme:  B.Sc General with Geography – GEOG (under CBCS)

Programme 0utcomes:




Knowledge and Skill development:

PO 1. It is expected that after completion of the three years’ ( six semesters) General degree course in Geography, a student will have an overall knowledge on different components of physical and human geography  like Geotectonics, Geomorphology, Climatology, hydrology, oceanography, Soil and Bio-geography, economic activities, socio-cultural activities etc.

PO2. The students can acquire knowledge on basic elements of map making.

PO3. The programme also helps the students to enhance their ability of representing different types of geographical data, by means of graphs, charts, diagrams and thematic maps.

PO3. In course of this three years’ curriculum, the students get opportunity to learn the basic principles of some relevant modern technology like Remote Sensing and GIS.

PO4. The Programme includes modules on skill enhancement courses which help the students to get acquainted with the very contemporary issues like sustainability, coastal hazards, tourism hazards etc.

PO5. The entire curriculum, especially the modules on practical exercises, project work etc. provides the students with problem solving skill, critical thinking ability, observation power.

 Opportunity in the field of Higher Studies:

PO6. After completion of this programme, the students will be able to pursue regular post-graduate courses in those institutions where there is provision of bridge course or equivalent.

PO7. The students may also opt for post-graduate courses under distance learning programmes of the affiliated universities.

PO8. They may also enroll themselves for different professional courses like draftsmanship course, Primary teachers’ training course. B.Ed, BBA etc.


Career Opportunity:

PO9. Obtaining a General degree in Geography, a student may pursue his/her career as a –

Teacher in primary or junior high school

Survey and mapping technician

Data collector and analyst

Draftsman in mapping organizations

GIS technician

Tour programmer


Course Outcome (CO):

Semester Course Code Course Name Credit Course Outcome
Sem 1 CC 1 Physical Geography 4(Th)+2(Pr)

A general understanding of the internal structure of the earth.

Knowledge about the global tectonic theory and formation of the major relief features of the ocean floor and continents according to this theory.

An idea on surface expressions of folds and faults.

Understanding of the different degradational processes.

A general idea about the different geomorphological agents like running water, moving ice, sea waves, wind etc. and the resulting landforms.

Familiarity with the basic models of slope evolution.

Knowledge about global hydrological cycle and its role.

Conception of runoff and associated factors.

Acquaintance with the principles of watershed management.

Development of knowledge about physical and chemical properties of ocean water, oceanic circulation, marine resources, their classification and sustainable utilization.

Ability to extract physiographic and drainage information from Survey of India 1:50k topographical map using different morphometric techniques and interpret the same.

Expertise in megascopic identification of samples of some common rocks and minerals.

Sem 2 CC 2 Environmental Geography 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Comprehensive knowledge about different parameters of climate,  like insolation and heat budget, atmospheric pressure and wind circulation, green house gases,  global warming, climate change etc.

Familiarity with the world climatic classification scheme of Koppen.

Understanding of soil profile development, physical and chemical properties of soil, USDA classification of soil, soil erosion and its management.

Knowledge about ecosystem, biome, occurrence of plant types and their ecological adaptations and biodiversity.

Practical experience of weather map  interpretation, construction of graphs and diagrams using climatic data, preparation of ternary diagram depicting soil types, preparation of biodiversity register.

Sem 3 CC 3 Human Geography 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Knowledge about different sectors of economy.

Understanding of the theories of location of the economic activities.

Concept on industrial location in Indian perspective.

Perception on globalization and integration of world economies.

Knowledge about human society and population, different social organizations, characteristics and spatial variations of race, language, religion.

Perception on social issues like diversity, conflict and transformation.

Concept on cultural landscape and its differentiation, cultural region and realm, diffusion of culture and innovations.

Ability to represent socio-economic and cultural data using proper cartographic techniques.

SEC A-1 Coastal management


No practical component

Theoretical knowledge on coastal landforms and associated coastal morphodynamic variables.

A comprehensive knowledge about the impacts of some common practices like mining, oil exploration, salt manufacturing, tourism etc. on coastal environment and their management.

Understanding of the different coastal hazards and their management strategies.

Acquaintance with the principles of different coastal zone management schemes with reference to India.

Sem 4 CC 4 Cartography 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Familiarity with different types of maps , their components and map projection.

Comprehensive knowledge on different techniques of thematic mapping and its practical application.

Theoretical knowledge on different aspects of remote sensing and GIS.

Ability to apply all these acquired knowledge in the practical field and work with real life data.

SEC B-4 Sustainable Development


No practical component

Comprehensive knowledge about the concept of sustainable development, its components, determinants, limitations etc.

Understanding of the conflicts, crisis and compromise in the context of global goals for sustainable development and the associated global environmental issues.

Sem 5 DSE A-2 Geography of Tourism 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Knowledge on scope and nature of tourism, its spatial pattern and the factors influencing tourism.

Clear idea about the different types of tourism.

Perception on impact of tourism as well as impact of globalization and global politics on tourism.

Understanding of different aspects of Indian tourism like – infrastructure, support system, tourism circuit etc.

Development of necessary skill to prepare different types of maps depicting tourism related information and questionnaire for conducting field survey.

Sem 6 DSE B-6 Population Geography 4(Th)+2(Pr)

Knowledge about evolution of the subject of population geography.

Clear conception about population growth, density and distribution in the world as well as in India.

Familiarity with the classical as well as modern theories of population growth and demographic transition model.

Knowledge on population composition – age-sex, rural-urban, literate-illiterate etc.

Understanding of migration, its causes, types and pattern in the world and in India.

Ability to conceptualize some contemporary issues related to population like – population and development, population and environment, declining sex ratio, impact of HIV, AIDS etc.

Ability to graphically represent population data and interpret the same.
























Programme Outcomes and Course Outcomes

(Under NEP –CCF)

Session 2023-24

Name of the Programme:  B.Sc Single Major in Geography – GEOM (under NEP -CCF)

Name of the Programme:  B.Sc in MDC with Geography – MGEO (under NEP -CCF)


Implementation of NEP 2020 has brought in a new trend in Indian education system. This new education policy emphasizes more on holistic development of a student rather than his/her academic progress only.  Emphasis has also been given on employability of a student, so that he or she can become a self sufficient and self reliant citizen. Keeping in mind the above objectives, the curriculum has been designed.

Knowledge and Skill development:

PO1. After completion of the four years’ single major course in Geography, the students will develop strong insight into the fields of Physical Geography like Geotectonics, Geomorphology, Climatology, Soil and Bio-geography, Hydrology, Oceanography etc.

PO2. The programme also focuses on the components of Human, Economic, Social and Cultural Geography and enables the students to correlate these components in a meaningful manner.

PO3. The programme helps to enhance the quantitative aptitude of the students through exercises on quantitative techniques and statistical methods.

PO4. Studying Cartographic Techniques, which is an important component of the curriculum of the programme, the students can acquire thorough knowledge in the field of surveying, map making, map projection and map reading. They also get opportunity to become conversant with different types of maps and with the essential components of a map.

PO5. The ICT based modules on Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (RS –GIS) help them to be acquainted with the modern techniques of geographical data acquisition, data analysis, data interpretation, and data representation and enhances their computer usage skill.

PO6. The Programme includes modules on Research Methodology, Field Work, Project report Preparation etc. and thereby provides the students with strong analytical skill, research aptitude, problem solving skill, critical thinking ability, observation power and management skill.

PO7. In course of their study, the students have to conduct questionnaire survey in the field, present posters, prepare project reports and appear before the subject experts for viva voce. All these help them to develop their communication skill, presentation skill and writing skill.

PO8. The curriculum includes modules on historical geography, political geography, philosophy of geography, etc. which enable the students not only to have a comprehensive understanding on evolution of geography as a modern and contemporary discipline, but help them also to integrate it with other allied disciplines as well as with the contemporary socio-political scenario.

PO9. The courses on hazard management, environmental management, watershed and coastal management help the students to acquire the ability to apply their knowledge in real life situations.

In a nutshell, studying the four years’ UG Honours course in Geography, the students will acquire the ability to synthesize geographical knowledge, apply it scientifically to solve various pressing problems of the community, the region and the world and communicate properly the solutions and findings both in oral and written format.

Opportunity in the field of Higher Studies and research work:

PO10. After completion of this programme, the students will be able to pursue higher studies (Master degree or equivalent) in Geography or in allied subjects like Urban and Regional Planning, Environmental Science, Archaeology, Marine Science, Meteorology, Remote Sensing and GIS etc. in different higher education institutions within India or in abroad.

PO11. The NEP – CCF four years’ single major curriculum offers the opportunity of pursuing research work in 8th semester (provided the student securers 75% marks in the previous semesters on an average). This research experience is definitely helpful in making a studen’s research career and he or she  may opt for research career in different research institutes.

PO12. They may also enroll themselves for different professional courses like MBA, MCA, B.Ed, RS-GIS certificate course etc.


Career Opportunity:

PO13. The knowledge and skills acquired by the students during their under graduate geography course, make them competent enough for multiple careers. The NEP – CCF curriculum includes internship as a mandatory course work before obtaining the degree/diploma or certificate and thereby ensures hands on experience of the students in different fields of geography. Moreover, the CCF curriculum offers the flexibility to switch over to professional career at the end of any even semesters. This will definitely broaden up their career opportunities.

After completion of the four years’ honours course in Geography, a student may pursue his/her career as a –

Teacher in academic institutions

Research personnel  in the research institutes


Environmental consultant/scientist

Town/urban  planner

GIS professional

Geospatial Analyst

Remote sensing professional

Conservator of forest

Consultant in the field of soil and agriculture

Land use specialist and planner etc.

Market Research professional



Development of awareness and understanding of some of the burning issues of the contemporary world:

PO14. Under graduate programme in Geography (Honours) offers opportunity to deal with some burning issues of the modern era and develop solutions to the same, like – global warming, climate change, hazard and disaster management, water conservation, coastal management, environmental management, urban expansion, population explosion, environmental pollution and sustainability.

Thus, the programme not only provides the graduates with solid knowledge base, research aptitude and professional skill, but helps them to be conscious, responsible and self reliant citizens also.

Course Outcome :

Semester Course Code Course Name Credit Course Outcome
Sem I



Physical Geography 3(Th)+1(Pr)

Basic conception on different components of physical Geography like geotectonics, geomorphology, climatology, soil geography, biogeography, cartography and geography of hazards.

Theoretical knowledge on significance of scale in geography and ability to construct linear, diagonal and vernier scale.

Ability to delineate a drainage basin, which is a fundamental geomorphic unit and to determine stream ordering and bifurcation ratio in a drainage basin.

Experience in identifying drainage and channel patterns from SOI topographical maps.

Ability to prepare wind rose diagram.

GEOM & MGEO SEC 1 Methods   in Geography 4(Th)

Acquaintance with the basic methods in geography.

Preliminary idea about sampling, preparation of questionnaire, data collection and compilation, computer assisted data entry and statistical analysis of the data.

Familiarity with the use of minor survey instruments like Brunton compass, distometer, smartphone leveling applications.

Theoretical knowledge on grain size analysis by sieving.

Theoretical knowledge on mapping technique of flooded area using satellite imageries and DEM.

Knowledge on mapping technique of coastal erosion and river bank erosion.

Knowledge on the methods of preparation of accessibility map, dominant and distinctive functions, ternary diagram and flow chart.





Human Geography 3(Th)+1(Pr)

Understanding of the nature, scope, elements and recent trends in human geography.

Concept on evolution of human society and human adaptation to environment.

Concept on demographic characteristics like population density, distribution, growth etc. with special emphasis on India.

Knowledge about rural and urban settlements.

Familiarity with the method of calculation and graphical representation of arithmetic growth rate.

Practical knowledge on representation of population density by choropleth method, identification of settlement patterns and representation of number of houses by proportional squares.


It is expected that after completion of one year ( sem1 and sem2) course i.e Certificate course in Geography, a student will have a basic idea about different components of geography,  he or she will be well acquainted with the fundamental methods in geography and will be able to handle the basic instruments, collect geographical data from the field, represent the same with suitable graphical techniques and draw inferencs logically. In addition to that, he or she will have the experience of a short course of internship and this hands on experience will facilitate his/her employability.



Geography as Inter Disciplinary Course (IDC)

Semester Course Code Course Name Credit Course Outcome
To be studied in any of the first 3 semesters (1/2/3) GEOD Geomatics and spatial analysis 2(Th)+1(Pr)

Perception of scale and other important components of map.

Familiarity with the concepts of bearing (true bearing and magnetic bearing, whole circle bearing and reduced bearing), geoid, spheroid etc.

Knowledge about classification and properties of projection with special emphasis on simple conical and UTM projection.

Acquaintance with the concept of surveying and different surveying instruments.

Familiarity with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).

Knowledge on basic principles of Remote Sensing (RS), properties of standard FCC and image classification.

Knowledge on GIS data type and its application.

Hands on experience of traverse survey and plotting of UTM coordinates using smart phone GNSS application.

Expertise to identify land use- land cover features from FCC.

Experience on detection of changes of river bank and coast line shift from multidated maps and images.















Field survey during the last 5 years (2018-19 to 2022-23)

Session Field Area Date Duration Title of the Field Report Supervisors Number of students participated
2022-23 Manali Town and its surroundings, Himachal Pradesh 14.09.2022 to 24.09.2022 11 days Physical and Socio economic Analysis of Manali town and surroundings of Himachal Pradesh with special emphasis on tourism industry Prof. Kamonasish Mistry and Prof. Nayan Roy 36 students of GEOA, Semester V
2021-22 Baghmundi hills, Puruliya, West Bengal 04.04.2022 to 07.04.2022 4 days Physiacl and cultural Landscape of Baghmundi Hill and its surroundings, Puruliya district, West Bengal Prof. Kamonasish Mistry 37 students of GEOA, Semester V
2020-21 No Field work due to outbreak of Covid -19 pandemic and the students prepared Field reports using secondary source data as per the guideline issued by the Under Graduate Board of Studies of Geography, University of Calcutta.
2019-20 Ghatshila town and its surroundings, Purbi Singhbhum, Jharkhand 08.11.19 to 11.11.19 4days Physical And Socio-economic Analysis Of Ghatshila Town And Surrounding Of  East Singbhum District, Jharkhand Prof. Kamonasish Mistry , Prof. Nayan Roy and Prof. Saheli Ghosh 30 students of GEOA, Semester V
2018-19 Baghmundi hills, Puruliya, West Bengal 26.08.18 to 30.08.18 5 days Physical And Cultural setup of Gobindapur village and surroundings, Baghmundi, Purulia District, W.B. Prof. Kamonasish Mistry 30 students of GEOA, Semester V
















PARAMITA DASGUPTA Coastal  Erosion And Its Management In Sagar Island, West Bengal Subhrojyoti Das
KAMONASISH MISTRY Hospital Waste Management – A Case Study Of Three Selected Hospitals Of Borough No-10, Kmc SouvikGayen
Remo Mukherjee
Subham Das
Rima Ghosh
ARUNDHUTI MUKHERJEE Arsenic Pollution As Environmental Health Hazard with special reference To BaruipurSonarpur Blocks Of South 24 Pgs , West Bengal. MostakimGazi
SAHELI GHOSH Land Slide And Human Activities On North Eastern  Mountainous Region – Acase Study Of Darjeeling Himalayan Region Swastika Mukherjee
Anuruddha Panda
Antara Roy
NAYAN ROY Block-Wise Household-Level Vulnerability Of Hydro-Meteorological Hazards In South 24 Parganas, West Bengal Karina Khatun
Sourish Das
ACINTYA PRAMANIK Assessment Of Flood Condition: A Case Study Of Maldah, North Bengal, India Pritipaik
Madhujit Das
Somnath Paik


2021-22 PARAMITA DASGUPTA Coastal  Erosion And Its Management In Sagar Island, West Bengal





Tanmoy Mistry



KAMONASISH MISTRY River Bank Erosion –  Causes And Consequences: A Case Study Of Matla River, Canning-I & Ii Block


Lisa Roy




Soumik Roy

Subhadeep Pal


Sutopa Ghosh

ARUNDHUTI MUKHERJEE A Project Report On Ground Water Pollution As A Environmental Hazard: A Case Study On Baruipur Block Of South 24 Pgs, West Bengal.




Kishore Halder

Sujoy Kumar Kayal





ACHINTYA PRAMANIK Assessment Of Flood Condition: A Case Study Of Maldah, North Bengal, India

Snehansish Nanda













Coastal  Erosion and Its Management In Sagar Island, West Bengal








Jahid Khan

Pija Ghosh




KAMONASISH MISTRY River Bank Erosion –  Causes And Consequences: A Case Study Of Matla River, Canning-I & Ii Block


Lisa Roy




Soumik Roy

Subhadeep Pal


Sutopa Ghosh


ARUNDHUTI MUKHERJEE A Project Report On Ground Water Pollution As An Environmental Hazard: A Case Study On Baruipur Block Of South 24 Pgs, West Bengal.




Kishore Halder

Sujoy Kumar Kayal




ACHINTYA PRAMANIK Assessment Of Flood Condition: A Case Study Of Maldah, North Bengal, India

Snehansish Nanda














Surprise test and internal assessment

Academic session – 2022-2023


Date of internal evaluation Semester Course Topic Full marks Taken by

Pattern of question


Surprise test (S) or notified in advance


27.09.22 Sem I CC1 Agents of erosion 10 PDG



3.12.22 CC1 Mass wasting 10 SG Long and short (Offline) N
20.12.22 CC1 Rocks and minerals 10 KM Practical N
9.1.23 CC2 Angular and linear measurement 10 PDG Long and short (Offline) N
6.2.23 CC1,CC2 Full syllabus 10+10 PDG Long and short (Offline) N
15.09.22 Sem III CC5 Atmospheric circulation 10 AM

Short question


21.11.22 CC6 T-S diagram 10 PDG Long and short (Offline) N
23.11.22 CC5 Layering of the atmosphere 10 SG Long and short (Offline) N
25.11.22 CC7 Linear regression 15 NR Long and short (Offline) N
5.12.22 CC7 Full syllabus 10 NR

Short question


8.12.22 CC5,CC6 Full syllabus 10+10 AM Long and short (Offline) N
9.12.22 CC7,SEC A Full syllabus 10 NR Long and short (Offline) N
11/11/22 Sem V DSE A2 Global initiative for climate change 10 PDG Long and short (Offline)
19.11.22 DSE B 5 Cultural hearth and cultural realm 10 SG Long and short (Offline) N
22.11.22 CC12 Research Methodology 10 AP

Short question


8.12.22 CC11, CC12 Full syllabus 10 KM Long and short (Offline) N
9.12.22 DSE A2,DSE B5 Full syllabus 10 NR Long and short (Offline) N
7.4.23 Sem II CC4 G-map 10 AP practical S
12.5.23 CC3 Arithmetic growth rate 20 PDG Practical N
19.5.23 CC3 Population growth and distribution 10 SG Long and short (Offline) N
9.6.23 CC3,CC4 Full Syllabus 10 PDG Long and short (Offline) N
12.4.23 Sem IV CC10 Soil sample test 15 KM Practical S
17.4.23 CC8 Growth and development 15 AM Long and short (Offline) N
17.4.23 SECB Sustainable development 10 AP Long and short (Offline) N
27.4.23 CC10 Biogeochemical cycle 10 PDG Long and short (Offline) N
16.5.23 CC8,CC9 Full Syllabus 10 SG Long and short (Offline) N
17.5.23 CC10,  SEC B Full Syllabus 10 AP Long and short (Offline) N
26.4.23 Sem VI DSE A Resource depletion 10 SG Long and short (Offline) N
4.5.23 CC13 Thought 15 AP MCQ (Online) N
16.5.23 CC13,CC14 Full Syllabus 10 KM Long and short (Offline) N
17.5.23 DSE A,DSEB Full Syllabus 10 NR Long and short (Offline) N


Dr. Paramita Dasgupta (PDG)

Sri Kamonasish Mistry (KM)

Smt. Arundhuti Mukherjee (AM)

Smt. Saheli Ghosh (SG)

Sri Nayan Roy (NR)

Sri Achintya Pramanik (AP)









Academic session – 2021-2022


Date of internal evaluation Semester Course



Full Marks Taken by

  Pattern of question



Surprise test (S) or notified in advance


22.09.21 Sem I CC1 Weathering 15 PDG

Short question


12.11.21 CC2 Scale 15 KM Long and short  (online) N
15.11.21 CC1 Coastal erosion 15 PDG Long and short (Online) N
7.12.21 CC2 UTM 10 AP Long and short (Online) N
15.2.22 CC1,CC2 Full syllabus 10+10 PDG Long and short (Offline) N
10.9.21 Sem III CC5 Precipitation mechanism 10 AM Long and short  (online) S
2.10.21 CC5 Origin and composition of atmosphere 15 SG Long and short (Offline) N
30.11.21 CC6 Air-sea interaction 15 PDG Long and short (Offline) N
9.12.21 CC7 Linear regression 10 NR Long (Offline) N
13.12.21 CC7 Sampling 10 KM Long and short (Offline) N
22.12.21 CC5,CC6,CC7 Full Syllabus 10+10+10 AM Long and short (Offline) N
12.11.21 Sem V CC12 Data structure 10 AP short (Online) S
7.12.21 CC12 Principles of remote sensing 15 AP MCQ (online) N
7.12.21 DSE B5 Urban settlement 10 AM Long and short (Online) N
11.12.21 DSE B5 Cultural diffusion 10 SG Long and short (Online) N
12.12.21 DSE A2 Climate change 10 PDG Long and short (Offline) N
11.4.22 Sem II CC4 G-map 10 AP short (Offline) S
11.5.22 CC4 Abney level 10 NR MCQ (online) N
24.5.22 CC3 Demographic transition 10 SG Long and short (Online) N
20.6.22 CC3,CC4 Full syllabus 10 PDG Long and short (Offline) N
12.4.22 Sem IV CC10 Soil sample test 15 KM Practical N
22.4.22 CC8 Human development 10 AM Long and short (Offline) N
27.5.22 CC9 Concept of metropolitan area 10 SG Long and short (Offline) N
16.6.22 CC8,CC9,CC10 Full Syllabus 10+10+10 PDG Long and short (Offline) N
5.3.22 SemVI CC14 Disaster and Hazard 10 NR short (Offline) S
12.4.22 CC14 Hazard mapping 15 KM Long and short (Offline) N
21.4.22 CC8 Significance of resource 15 SG Long and short (Offline) N
23.4.22 DSE B8 Climate and soil of India 20 PDG Long and short (Offline) N
9.6.22 Cc13,cc14 Full syllabus 10+10 KM Long and short (Offline) N
10.6.21 DSE A,DSE B Full syllabus 10+10 AP Long and short (Offline) N





Academic session – 2020-2021

Date of internal evaluation Semester Course Topic Full marks Taken by

Pattern of question


Surprise test (S) or notified in advance


12.11.2020 Sem I CC1 Entrainment 10 PDG MCQ and short answer type (online) N
19.11.20 CC2 Coordinate system 10 AP MCQ and short answer type (online) N
22.11.20 CC1 Coastal erosion 10 PDG Short (Online S
7.11.20 Sem III CC5 Air mass 15 AM Short answer type (online) N
9.11.20 CC6 Relief features of the ocean floor 15 PDG Short answer type (online) N
5.11.20 Sem V CC11 Types of hazards 10 KM MCQ and short answer type (online) N
19.4.21 Sem II CC4 Rounding 10 AP MCQ (online) S
29.4.21 CC3 Race and ethnicity 15 AM Short answer type (online) N
30.6,21 CC4 Full syllabus 10 PDG Long and short (Online) N
5.7.21 CC3 Full syllabus 10 AP Long and short (Online) N
17.4,21 SemIV CC9 Rostow’s theory 10 NR Long and short (Online) N
19,4,21 CC8 Tertiary activities 15 AP Long and short (Online) N
22,4,21, CC10 Soil properties 10 KM MCQ (online) S
23.6.21 CC10 Full syllabus 10 PDG Long and short (Online) N
3.7.21 CC8 Full syllabus 10 AP Long and short (Online) N
7.7.21 CC9 Full syllabus 10 AM Long and short (Online) N
22,4,21 SEM VI CC14 Types of hazards 10 KM MCQ (online) S
18.6.21 CC13,CC14 Full syllabus 10+10 PDG Long and short (Online) N
19.6.21 DSEA,DSEB Full syllabus 10+10 AP Long and short (Online) N

Academic session – 2019-2020

Date Semester/Year



Topic Full Marks Taken by

Pattern of question


Surprise test (S) or notified in advance


20.11.19 I CCI Geomorphology and time 10 AP MCQ S
24.11.19 CC2 Classifiaction of projection 10 PDG Long Question N
5.12.19 CC2 Scale 15 KM Practical N
1.12.19 III CC5 Atmospheric circulation 15 AM Long and short question N
7.12.19 CC6 Ground water 15 AP Long and short question N
7.12.19 CC6 Ocean floor topography 15 PDG Long and short question N
7.1.20 III rd yr Module XIII Hazard and disaster 15 KM Long and short question N
12.2.20 Module XIV GIS 10 NR Practical N
No Internal examination was conducted after that due to the outbreak of Covid 19 pandemic and lock down.

Academic session – 2018-2019

Date Semester/Year



Topic Full Marks Taken by

Pattern of question


Surprise test (S) or notified in advance


10.10.18 I CCI



12.10.18 I CC2 Concept of scale 15 KM short question N
24.04.19 II CC3 Population growth, and distribution 15 AM Long question N
26.4.19 II CC4 Angular and linear measurement, coordinate 15 PDG MCQ N
7.09.18 2nd year Hons Module VI Eecology 10 AP Short question N
4.10.18 Module VI Soil Type 10 SG MCQ S
11.01.19 2nd year General Module III Biome 15 AP Short question S
07.12.18 3rd year Hons Module IX Quantitative revolution 15 AM Short question N



10.12.18 Module XI Flood 15 PDG Long question N
05.12.18 3rd year Gen Paper IV Landuse 10 SG Short question S
07.12.18 Paper IV Settlement 15 AP Long and short question N

To supplement the core curriculum, to enhance professional skill and to ensure holistic development of the students, the department organizes certificate and add on courses of short duration (30 hours or more), which are free of cost. During the last two academic sessions, three certificate courses were conducted by the department on ‘Basics of Total Station: Advanced surveying and mapping tools in Geography’, ‘Drone based remote sensing: An advanced mapping technology’ and ‘Computer application in Geographical studies. Certificates were issued to the students who had successfully completed the courses.

Sl No Session Name of the Certificate Course Duration Date of commencement Number of participants
1 2021-22 Basics of Total Station: Advanced Surveying and Mapping tools in Geography 30 hours 18.04.2022 32
2 2021-22 Drone based Remote Sensing: An advanced mapping technology 35 hours 10.05.2022 65
3 2022-23 Computer Application in Geographical Studies 31 hours 01.11.2022 110

The Department of Geography follows a well planned curriculum delivery process, the focal point of which is adherence to the Academic calendar of the college. In accordance with the time frame stated in the academic calendar, the Department designs its teaching plan and distributes the work load among the faculties. The Department successfully upholds the culture of regular class teaching and on time completion of the syllabus.

In its endeavor of imparting quality education, the Department has put emphasis on Outcome –based education (OBE).The outcomes of the programmes and the courses, offered by the Department are stated clearly on the college website, so that, the students can easily access it. These outcomes are also explained to the students during Departmental orientation programme. We are trying our best to ensure effective attainment of PO and CO.

The Department attempts to blend both traditional and modern methods of teaching. For better understanding and visualization, class lectures are substantiated with traditional tools like globes, maps models etc. one the one hand and with computer aided tools like Paint Brush, Jam Board, smart board etc on the other. Besides, to make the traditional method of class lecturing more attractive, the faculties frequently use power point presentation, relevant you tube videos, e-modules etc. Application of the latest statistical techniques, computer based cartography, GIS and remote sensing techniques etc. also add a touch of modernity to the teaching-learning process.
The department strives to create an active learning environment, where students can get ample scope of experiential and participative learning. As per the curriculum of Geography, each course has a practical component. During the practical classes the students are given hands on training on map reading and analysis, surveying with different instruments, identification of rocks and mineral samples, measurement of weather parameters and geological attributes with relevant instruments, digital cartography and so on. To make teaching-learning more interactive and student-centric, the department organizes – students’ Seminar, quiz on relevant issues, poster presentation etc. which help the students to develop presentation skills, enhance communication skills, foster research understanding and to showcase their work to a broader audience.
Besides, every year, educational excursions are arranged for the students in such areas which are significant from Geographical point of view. In course of such field work, the students get ample scope to apply their theoretical knowledge in the practical field on the one hand and to acquire new information and skill through experiential learning on the other. On the basis of the field survey, the students prepare Field Reports under the supervision of the faculties. They also prepare project reports on some contemporary pressing issues.

Field survey during the last 5 years (2018-19 to 2022-23) – link

Project works done by the students – Link

To facilitate holistic development of the students, the Department has introduced mentoring system since the academic session of 2018-19. Mentees (students) are allotted to the mentors (Departmental faculties) by lottery system. The mentors interact with the mentees once in every month and document the findings. On the basis of these findings, the key areas of concern are identified and guidelines are provided to the mentees accordingly. This system of one-to-one interaction addresses the academic as well as the psychological, emotional and other needs of the mentees through establishment of a personal relationship.

Every year the department organizes remedial classes primarily for the weaker students. However, all students are allowed to attend the class, so that none of them could feel discriminated. Such classes mainly focus on elucidation of basic concepts and development of better learning habits.

A congenial environment is maintained within the Department, so that, the students can freely approach to the teachers both within and outside the class room to discuss their problems. The teachers always provide them with proper guidance as and when required. No doubt, such an environment facilitates the process of teaching-learning to a considerable extent.


The department has three spacious laboratory-cum-classrooms, two of which have been upgraded with smart class room facilities. Besides, there is one RS-GIS laboratory and one soil laboratory. Our laboratories are well equipped with sufficient number of equipments, instruments, maps, computers, software and other necessary facilities. Moreover, there are exhibits of different samples of rocks and minerals in the department and the students can view those samples whenever they want.


Apart from the well-stocked central library of the college, the department maintains a departmental seminar library to provide additional reading materials to the students. At present there are more than 250 books in this seminar library which are regularly issued to the students. There is also a reading enclosure within the department for the use of the students. This departmental library plays an important role in disseminating geographical knowledge and information.


The two smart class rooms of the department are equipped with the required ICT facilities like interactive white board, document camera, LCD projector fitted in the ceiling, computer, speaker etc. There is one high end desktop computer in the department along with printer, scanner and photocopier, exclusively for performing departmental works. Besides, there are 15 computers equipped with GIS and RS software in the GIS laboratory for the use of the students. The department also enjoys high speed internet connectivity; however, it is restricted only for the faculties.



The evaluation system followed by the department adheres to the guidelines and regulations framed by our affiliating university and the entire system is transparent. Under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), end semester examinations are held at the end of each of the six semesters by the University. As per the university rule, prior to each of these semester examination, the Department has to conduct internal evaluations. Under the CBCS curriculum, each paper comprises an internal component which accounts for 20% of the total marks assigned to a paper. Of these 20 marks , 10 is allotted to internal examination and the remaining 10 to attendance. In addition to this internal assessment as per the University schedule, regular class tests (both surprise tests and tests with prior notification) are conducted by the Department as part of the Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) process. Besides, at the beginning of semester 1, an Entry Level Test is held by the department to assess the level of knowledge of the new entrants. On the basis of the performance of the students in this test, the Department categorizes them as weak learners and advanced learners and adopts teaching techniques accordingly. Remedial classes are organized for the weak students, whereas, students’ seminar, poster presentation, subject quiz and other interactive and participative activities are arranged, keeping in mind mainly the advanced learners.However, the Department officially allows all the students to take part in such activities, to avoid discrimination. The Department provides the students with required assistance in case of any grievance regarding any examination related issue and if required, forwards the agenda to the Grievance-redressal cell or Examination sub-committee of the college.

The success rate of our students in the University examination is almost 100% and more than 90% of them secure CGPA above 6. The highest marks obtained are also well above 7.5.

Sl No Year of Graduation Name of the candidate securing highest CGPA CGPA in B.Sc Honours (GEOA) Examination of the University of Calcutta
1 2021 Ramprasad Debnath 7.609
2 2022 Subha Barik 7.746
3 2023 Priti Paik 7.806





After graduation, a considerable number of students of our Department get chance to continue Post Graduation in different Universities within and outside the state. Some students even get suitable job after completing graduation. Our placement cell is very active and it organizes job fare, campus interview, placement counseling etc. regularly. Besides, the institution organizes different certificate courses to enhance professional and soft skill of the students and such courses help our students to groom themselves for the job market.  Our passed out students are mostly engaged in school Service, college service, banking service, railway service, police service and in different companies under private sector..


RESULT – Batch of 2021


Number of students Securing less than 6 Number of students securing  6 to 6.99 Number of students securing 7 to 7.99 Number of students securing 8 to 8.99 Number of students securing above 9
Sem I 29 (87.87%) 4(12.13%) 0 0 0
Sem II 27 (81.81%) 6(18.19%) 0 0 0
Sem III 10(30.30%) 20 (60,6%) 3(9.09%) 3(9.09%) 0
Sem IV 0 2(6.06%) 28(84.85%) 11(33.33%) 0
Sem V 0 2(6.06%) 20(60.6%) 0 0
Sem VI 2(6,06%) 13(39.39%) 18(54.54%) 0 0
Highest CGPA 7.609



Sl. No. Name of the student CGPA Sl. No. Name of the student CGPA
1. Ramprasad Debnath 7.609 18 Sutopa Ghosh 6.671
2 Ujjwal Pahari 7.342 19 Soumik Roy 6.642
3 Saurabh Purkait 7.138 20 Dishan Mondal 6.629
4 Pabitra Giri 7.061 21 Sumona Naiya 6.610
5 Rubina Mondal 7.057 22 Arpita Mukherjee 6.585
6 Sehnaz Parvin 7.053 23 Sumon Naskar 6.431
7 Rimpa Mondal 6.937 24 Trishani Adhikary 6.425
8 Subhadeep Pal 6.909 25 Snehasis Nanda 6.376
9 Indranil Halder 6.832 26 Pramila Mandal 6.358
10 Subhechchha Chakraborty 6.820 27 Soubhik Mondal 6.316
11 Shibam Majhi 6.791 28 Sujoy Kayal 6.260
12 Sujan Naiya 6.768 29 Amartya Mondal 6.255
13 Lisa Roy 6,756 30 Jahid Khan 6.21
14 Anwesha Nandan 6.755 31 Ashik Dewan 6.057
15 Sayanta Kar 6.740 32 Tanmay Howli 5.942
16 Mallika Mondal 6.705 33 Sahil Akhtar 5.58
17 Puja Ghosh 6.690


Number of candidates appeared – 33

Number of candidates passed – 33 (100%)






RESULT – Batch of 2022

Semester SGPA
Number of students securing less than 6

Number of students securing

6 -6.99

Number of students securing

7 -7.99

Number of students securing

8 -8.99

Number of students securing

Above 9

SEM -1 15 (41.66%) 17 (48.57%) 04(11.43%)
SEM -2 1 (2.85%) 26 (72.22%) 09 (25.72%)
SEM -3 13(36.11%) 23(65.71%)
SEM -4 01(2.77%) 24 (68.57%) 11(31.43%)
SEM -5 14 (38.88%) 20 (57.14%) 01 (2.86%) 01(2.86%)
SEM -6 15 (41.66%) 19                                                                                                                             (54.29%) 02 (5.71%)
Highest CGPA 7.746


Sl No Name of the student CGPA Sl No Name of the student CGPA
1 Subha Barik 7.746 20 Soumen Haldar 7.051
2 Saurav Mondal 7.713 21 Ariful Gazi 7.035
3 Mihir Baidya 7.655 22 Puja Mondal 6.984
4 Monoranjan Baidya 7.538 23 Puja Rani Das 6.962
5 Saurav Gayen 7.489 24 Sahid Afridi 6.945
6 Sayani Mondal 7.470 25 Jadu Pati Sashmal 6.919
7 Maitry Mondal 7.463 26 Pulak Mondal 6.849
8 Sonali Gayen 7.338 27 Paumrisha Sarkar 6.834
9 Jamuna Mondal 7.335 28 Pankaj Mondal 6.713
10 Nargis Parvin Molla 7.331 29 Rakib Gazi 6.632
11 Swapna Mondal 7,307 30 Sayantan Kundu 6.448
12 Ujjwal Mridha 7.286 31 Joy Gayen 6.300
13 Azharuddin Ahmed 7.168 32 Pinaki Purkait 6.299
14 Jagannath Haldar 7.155 33 Rohit Ojha 6.296
15 Simran Kaur 7.148 34 Tanmoy Mistry 6.056
16 Ujjwal Majhi 7.136 35 Nitai Mondal 5.968
17 Soumik Chattopadhyay 7.082 36 Arijit Das 5.602
18 Astha Debnath 7.072
19 Sandip Nath 7.057


Number of candidates appeared – 36

Number of candidates passed – 36 (100%)



RESULT – Batch of 2023



Number of students securing less than 6 Number of students securing  6 to 6.99 Number of students securing 7 to 7.99 Number of students securing 8 to 8.99 Number of students securing above 9
Sem I 3 (7.5%) 0 22(55%) 15(37.5%) 0
Sem II 0 1(2.5%) 23(57.5%) 16(40%) 0
Sem III 0 16(40%) 23(57.5%) 1(2.5%) 0
Sem IV 99(22.5%) 26(65%) 5(12.5%) 0 0
Sem V 25(62.5%) 12(30%) 3(7.5%) 0 0
Sem VI 22(55%) 14(35%) 4(10%) 0 0
Highest CGPA 7.806
Sl. No. Name of the student SGPA Sl. no. Name of the student SGPA
1 Priti Paik 7.806 21 Akash Baliar 6.749
2 Subhrojyoti Das 7.570 22 Somnath Paik 6.714
3 Antara Roy 7.518 23 Kuheli Naskar 6.684
4 Abhijit Dolai 7.271 24 Rakib Hassan Molla 6.632
5 Rimo Mukherjee 7.238 25 Madhujit Das 6.618
6 Ritushree Halder 7.155 26 Bijesh Midya 6.550
7 Sourish Das 7.117 27 Rakhiba Khatun 6.550
8 Rima Ghosh 7.100 28 Soubhik Gayen 6.513
9 Priyasmita Kayal 7.080 29 Pratik Sardar 6.509
10 Subham Das 7.074 30 Pushpendu Mondal 6.481
11 EpsitaNaskar 7.030 31 Aniruddha Panda 6.473
12 Ishita Bera 6.996 32 Karina Khatun 6.455
13 Pritam Mandal 6.984 33 Sayantan Kundu 6.448
678 Somsubhro Halder 6.964 34 Ismatara Molla 6.271
15 Mostakim Gazi 6.927 35 Shabnam Parvin 6.271
16 Sourima Karmakar 6.877 36 Sharmila Sardar 6.002
17 Bidisha Pailan 6.847 37 Nitai Kundu 5.968
18 Atanu Mondal 6.837 38 Debayan Bhowmik Not qualified
19 Olia Khatun 6.805 39 Swapnamoy Mondal Not qualified
20 Keya Mondal 6.776 40 Swastika Mukherjee Not qualified


Passed – 92.5%




Students’  Progression

Batch of 2020


Sl No Name Progression after Honours Graduation Detail of Employment
Name of the organization Designation Salary
1 Anamika Shingha D.EL.ED Not yet employed
2 Suprovat Naskar B.Ed {2022), M.Sc {pursuing} Not yet employed
3 Iva Mandal B.Ed {2022), Pursuing M.Sc in Kalyani University (DODL) Not yet employed
4 Arpita Mondal B.Ed {2022), Pursuing M.Sc in Kalyani University (DODL) Not yet employed
5 Biplab Mandal B.Ed {2022), Pursuing M.Sc in Kalyani University (DODL) Not yet employed
6 Chayan Debnath HDB Financial Services Ltd. Senior Collection Officer
7 Sudioto Halder B.Ed {2022), Pursuing M.Sc in Kalyani University (DODL) Not yet employed
8 Arpan Mondal B.Ed {2022), Pursuing M.Sc in Kalyani University (DODL) Not yet employed
9 Kuheli Mondal M.Sc , university of Calcutta in 2022 Enroot Abacus Pvt. Ltd. Teacher

Rs. 2.4 k



10 Simika Pal M.Sc , Diamond Harbour Women;s University, 2022 Not yet employed
11 Sampad Das B.Ed {2022) Not yet employed
12 Subhajit Kar D.EL.ED, 2022 Not yet employed
13 Moumita Maity B.Ed {2022), Pursuing M.Sc in Rabindra Bharati University (Dist) Not yet employed
14 Santanu Sarkar M.Sc in Geoinformatics from Bankura University in 2022 Watershed Department, Govt.of Rajasthan District GIS Expert
15 Tanuja Khatun B.Ed {2022) Not yet employed
16 Deepshikha Debnath B.Ed {2022) Not yet employed
17 Ankita Nath B.Ed {2022), Pursuing M.Sc in Kalyani University (DODL) Not yet employed
18 Malabika mondal D.EL.ED, 2022 Not yet employed
19 Maitish Dutta ITI diploma in 2022 Part time job in State Bank of India
20 Karna Ghaarmi B.Ed {2023)
21 Sahid Laskar B.Ed {2022)
22 Kaberi Gayen USA Dream Lighter Web Organization Senior Web Developer
23 Swagata Lakshmi Mondal Not yet employed
24 Arpita Das Diploma in Journalism and Mass communication (2022) Not yet employed
25 Sayani Ghoshal MR Bangur Hospital, Tollygunge, RSK department. Receptionist


Students’ Progression

Batch of 2021


Sl No Name Progression after Honours Graduation Detail of Employment
Name of the organization Designation Salary
1 Ramprasad Debnath Pursuing M.Sc in Asutosh College under University of Calcutta. Not yet employed
2 Saurabh Purkait Pursuing M.Sc in Asutosh College under University of Calcutta. Not yet employed
3 Lisa Roy Pursuing M.Sc in Sarsuna College under University of Calcutta. Not yet employed
4 Shibam Majhi Pursuing M.Sc in Sarsuna College under University of Calcutta. Not yet employed
5 Arpita Mukherjee

B.P Poddar Hospital & Medical Research Ltd.


Floor Manager


The department encourages the students to undertake mini projects on such topics which are not directly within the periphery of the curriculum, yet are closely related to it. The basic objectives of such initiative are to enhance the academic skill of the advanced learners and to build up their research aptitude, although on a miniature scale. During the last two academic sessions three such projects have been undertaken.

Sl No Title of the Project Name of the Supervisor Date of Commencement Number of students involved
1 Air quality assessment in the adjacent urban area of Sammilani Mahavidyalaya Prof. Kamonasish Mistry 10th of April, 2022 07
2 Influence of soil and water properties on agricultural productivity:A case study of Bagmundi village, Puruliya District, West Bengal Prof. Kamonasish Mistry 15th of October, 2022 07

Relevance of Indian Knowledge system in sustainable water conservation and management


Dr. Paramita Dasgupta


Prof.Nayan Roy

January, 2023 07


The students of our department are very much enthusiastic about the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and take part in intra and inter-college competitions on music, dance, painting, debate, recitation etc. Every year the students celebrate teachers’ day, environment day, women’s day and some other days of national and international importance. They also organize farewell, freshers’ welcome and alumni meet successfully.

Every year, the department of Geography organizes a programme entitled ‘Geography and Society’. It is basically an awareness programme on sustainable environment’. Tree saplings are distributed among the students under the initiative of the department, as a part of the contest of tree plantation and nurturing. Besides, as members of NSS unit, they actively participate in different outreach and awareness programmes.

The students of the Department have been publishing departmental wall magazine ‘Geosophia’ since 2008 (except in the two Covid affected years i.e 2020 and 2021). It is an annual publication to exhibit the creativity of the students as well as of the faculties. The magazine provides opportunity to the students to express their ideas, to grow literary taste, to enhance reading habit and to develop awareness about different pressing issues both related to geography and not.


  • On June 5th,2022, two of our students, Shuvo Barik and Mihir Baidya, participated in the quiz contest organized by West Bengal Pollution Control Board and received certificates of Participation.
  • Our student Subhrojyoti Das secured the 2nd position in the inter college Alpona competition, organized by Naba Ballygunge Mahavidyalaya on 11th and 12 th April,2023.
  • Subhrojyoti Das secured the 2nd position in Alpona, in the Inter College Cultural Competition, ‘SOUL APRIL’ organized by K.K Das college on 12th May, 2023.
  • Our student Rimo Mukherjee secured 2nd position in inter college dance competition, organized by Naba Ballygunge Mahavidyalaya on 11th and 12 th April,2023.
  • The students of our department participated in the food festival and cuisine competition, organized by the college and secured the first position.

In session 2021-22 a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) was signed with the organization named Geo Solution. In the same session a certificate course (35 hours duration) on ‘Drone based remote sensing’ was organized for the students by the Department of Geography in collaboration with Geo Solution. In 2022-23 a one-day workshop on remote sensing and land use land cover mapping was organized jointly with this organization. We are looking forward to conduct more such programmes in the coming years for the benefit of the students.
There is an alumni study circle in our institution, that has taken an initiative called ‘Parampara’. Under this initiative of ‘Parampara’, the ex-students of our department, especially those who are engaged in college teaching or in research work, are organizing lecture series for our present students. This academic interaction of ‘past’ and ‘present’ facilitates knowledge sharing as well as transfer of knowledge.

Some of our alumni are holding prestigious positions.

  • Our student Sarbeswar Praharaj (passed out in 2006) is now working as an Assistant Professor in the University of Miami, Florida, USA. Professionally he is an urban planner and his primary research interest is in the field of application of geographical data science for shaping smart cities and environment that foster more sustainable, inclusive and healthy communities. Previously Sarbeswar was the Senior Global Futures Scientist at Global Futures Laboratory, Arizona State University. He was a JRF at IIT-KGP and was awarded with the International Post-Graduate Research scholarship (TFS) for doctoral research by the University of New South Wales.
  • After graduation, our alumnus Pratim Brahmachari obtained an MBA degree from IISWBM, Kolkata, in corporate sustainability. Now he is working as an Associate Director in Stryker India Pvt. Ltd, Gurugram, Haryana.
  • Our ex-student Olivia Choudhury obtained a Master’s degree in GIS and Geo informatics from Symbiosis , Pune and is now working as GIS Analyst in Cyber Tech Systems Inc.
  • Our ex-student Bijan Mondal is working as Assistant Professor in Jogomaya Devi College, Kolkata.
  • Another alumnus of the department, Amit Pandit is working as Assistant Professor in Geography, Jeebantal College, South 24
  • Our ex-student Biplab Tripathi is the Associate Professor and Assistant Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Arunachal University.
  • Some of our students have shown remarkable proficiency in the field of art and culture. Dishari Chakraborty, our alumnus is an eminent Santtoor player, International Awardee and the exponent of Satatantree veena (Kashmiri Santoor).

We are proud of all our talented students and wish our students will flourish with manifold qualities.

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