
The Department of Education started its journey in this Institution in the year 2003 with 65 students studying in General Course. In 2005 Honours Course was introduced with 15 students. Over the years the intake capacity in Honours course increased in accordance with the Govt. norm. The department has one of the highest enrolment rates in both the Honours and General Course. The Department has four dedicated teachers among them 2 are in Substantive post and two are State Aided College Teacher. The teachers guide their students in developing their academic as well as cocurricular aspects. They try to involve them in participating in various activities of the colleges. Students are encouraged to maintain Departmental Wall-Magazine and participate in extension activities like NSS, recitation, singing, dancing etc. and similar other activities. The Department followed 3 years degree course of 2+1 system and the gradually 1+1+1 system of University of Calcutta. In the year 2018 CBSC system was smoothly adopted by the Department.


Our vision is to cater to the all-round development of the students. The Department always strive to provide quality teaching learning environment to its students. As most of the students come from poor socio-economic background and suburban areas of south 24 Parganas we want to make them self-reliant. We want to create a group of students who are more knowledgeable better skilled and economically self-sufficient.



It is our mission to provide best learning environment to our students so that they get amble scope for the academic development. We want to inculcate those values in our students so that they become an effective leader and self-reliant citizen of the society. We strive to create opportunities for them so that they are capable of imbibing proper knowledge and skill. We always guide our students to make them aware of the future prospects related to the subject Education.


Dr. Marisha Chakrabarti (HOD)

Qualification: M.A.,M.Phil., Ph.D.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone Number: 9433898580
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Smt. Sipra Tudu

Qualification: M.A.,B.Ed., M.Phil.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Phone Number: 8961401738
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Dr. Anindita Guha *

Qualification: M.A.,M.Phil. Ph.D.
Designation: State Aided College Teacher
Phone Number:
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Smt. Mahuya Biswas, *

Qualification: M.A.
Designation: State Aided College Teacher
Phone Number: 9830788569
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As affiliated to University of Calcutta Department of Education follows the syllabus prescribed by the parent University. Previously our department followed 1+1+1 system till 2018, from 2018 Choice Based Credit system was implemented and semester system started. The first batch of Semester system passes in the year 2021. From 2023 Curriculum and Credit framework came into effect which was implemented by the parent University in accordance with NEP, 2020.

Courses Offered Course code Duration Examination sysetm Total Credits

B.A. Major in Education

(without research)

EDCM 4 years Semester


8X 100=800


4 x 50= 200

3 x100= 300

4 x50=200

1x 75=75

3x 100=300


B.A. Major in Education

(with research)

EDCM 4 years Semester


8X 100=800


4 x 50= 200

3 x100= 300

4 x50=200

1x 75=75

1x 100=100

1x 200= 200


B.A Multidisciplinary MEDC 3 years Semester

8 x 100= 800

8 x 100= 800

6 x 100= 600

3 x 75= 225

4x 50= 200

3 x 100= 300

4 x 50= 200

1x 75= 75

= 3200

B.A/B.Sc. Interdisciplinary (IDC) in EDUCATION EDCD 6 months (In any one semester of 1 or 2or 3) Semester 03 credits;

Courses offered under CCF

Program Specific Outcomes For B.A. Under-Graduate Education Honours and General course, 2018 (Duration 3 years) under CBCS system


PO1. Students after completion of Education Honours course of 6 semesters in three years will be Graduates having Education Honours degree will learn to use their knowledge in understanding the philosophy behind various educational policy and planning from the ancient period to modern age

PO2. They will develop advanced critical thinking skills along with teaching aptitude.

PO3. They will develop abilities for understanding the history of education.

PO4. Students will be able to use and analyze their newly acquired knowledge in various fields of social science as Education is a multi-disciplinary subject.

PO5. They will have research aptitude which will help them to participate in any research related activities.

PO6. They will be well aware of Information and Communication technology and hence will acquire ICT skills.

PO7. Students will develop knowledge about statistics and will be able to analyze data statistically.

PO8. Knowledge of Educational psychology along with the knowledge of Psychology of adjustment and Guidance and Counselling will prepare them to deal with behaviour of human being and enable them to pursue their career as therapist, school guidance officer, counnsellor.


Programme Specific Outcome (PSO)


  • PSO1: Extensive knowledge of Histroy of Education, Philosophical bases of Education and Sociology of Education will enable the students to understand the vast culture of Indian traditional knowledge. It will build in them the ability through competing interrelations and multi narratives of the past, will be able to understand the multi-causal explanations of major historical development in the field of education based on contextualized analysis of interrelated philosophical, social, economic, cultural and intellectual process.
  • PSO2: The course will expose the students to the vast field of educational psychology where they will learn about the various theories and principles of schools of psychology, learning, motivation, intelligence and personality and how these theories can be applied in the modern educational settings. As a result, they learn about the various instructional techniques that can be applied in the modern classroom settings. They will also learn about need for inclusive setting in education.
  • PSO3: Students are exposed to a vast knowledge of Educational Measurement, Evaluation and Statistics where they learn about different measuring techniques and test in education and psychology. They are also exposed to the basic concept of statistics and its various use in education. They will also have knowledge about research methodology.
  • PSO4: The practical aspect of the programme enables the students to gain first hand knowledge about various psychological tests and use of statistical procedures in education.
  • PSO5: The course also throws light on Educational organization and importance of Guidance and Counselling in the filed of education. The students learn the principles of educational organization, management and planning. They understand what role planning and management play in any educational organization. They also get a knowledge of importance of guidance and counselling at all the stages of education.
  • PSO6: Skill enhancement courses enables the student to develop communication skill and teaching skills. It enhances their knowledge ion the field of effective commutation. They understand the role of effective listening and speaking in the field of teaching learning. They learn about various teaching styles and designs.
  • PSO7: Discipline specific courses allows them to study their selected paper in details where they learn about educational ideas of Ereat Educators both western and Indian thinkers. They also understand the basic concept of gender studies, gender role and gender stereo types.

Course Outcomes

Semester Course Title Course Outcome
I CC – 1 = Introduction to Education


·         Students understand the meaning, nature, scope and aims of education.

·         They can explain the factors of education and their interrelationship.

·         They become aware of different agencies of education that influence education.

·         They are acquainted with the concept of child-centricism and play-way in education

CC – 2 = History of Indian Education


·         Students get acquainted with the salient features of education in India during ancient and medieval times.

·         They get acquainted with the development of education in British India.

·         They become aware of the significant points of selected education commissions & national policy of education in independent India

II CC – 3 = Psychological Foundation of Education


·         Students acquire knowledge about the meaning of Psychology its different aspects.

·          They know the patterns of different aspects of human development and relate this knowledge with education.

·          To develop knowledge of cognitive approach of development and thus understand the process and factors of cognition.

·         They get acquainted with concepts and theories of learning, memorization and intelligence.

CC – 4 = Philosophical Foundation of Education


·         They get knowledge of  the meaning, relation and importance of philosophy and education

·          They get acquainted with both the Indian and the Western schools of philosophy along their impact on education.

·         Students have an understanding of philosophy for development of humanity

III CC – 5 = Sociological Foundation of Education Management and Planning


·         Students understand the relation between Sociology and Education .Nature, and scope of Sociology of education.

·         They can explain the concept of Social Groups and Socialization process.

·         They are able to understand the concept of Social change and Social interaction in education.

·          They become aware of social Communication in Education

  CC – 6 = Educational Organization,


·         The concept organization, management, school organization and educational management is developed in the students.

·         They know the essential functions of educational management.

·         They understand the concept and different aspects of Educational Planning.

CC – 7 = Guidance and Counselling


·         They become aware of the concept of Guidance and Counseling.

·          They know various types of Guidance and Counselling.

·          They get acquainted with the basic data necessary for Guidance.

SEC – A = Communication Skills


·         They understand the basic elements of Communication.

·         They acquire the knowledge of Listening Skills.

·          They acquire the knowledge of Speaking Skills.

·          They acquire the knowledge of Reading and Writing Skills.

IV CC – 8 = Technology in Education


·         Students develop an understanding of educational technology.

·         They get acquainted with the concept and components of system approach.

·         Students develop an understanding of the use of computer in education and communication.

·         They get acquainted with the instructional techniques and different models of teaching.

·         They develop an understanding of ICT & e-learning.

CC – 9 = Curriculum Studies


·         Students develop an understanding about concept, nature, types and major approaches of curriculum

·         They develop an understanding about curriculum development and national curriculum frame work, 2005.

·         They develop an understanding of evaluation & reform of curriculum

CC – 10 = Inclusive Education


·         Students understand the meaning of Inclusion and exclusion.

·         They know the types of exclusion and their causes.

·         They know about differently abled people and different types of disabilities.

·         They get aware about  how to bring about inclusion in different spheres.

  SEC – B = Teaching Skill


·         They know the basic concept of Teaching.

·          They know the different types of Teaching.

·          They understand the Skills of Teaching.

·          They learn the Concept of Learning Design (LD)

V CC – 11 = Measurement and Evaluation in Education


·         Student develop an understanding of the concepts of measurement and evaluation in education.

·          They get acquainted with different types of measuring instruments and their uses.

·          They develop  an understanding of the concepts of validity and reliability and their importance in educational measurement.

·          They get acquainted with the principles of test construction.

CC – 12 = Statistics in Education


·         The concept of statistics and skill in analyzing descriptive measures is developed in the students.

·         They get acquainted with the concept of Normal Probability Curve and its uses in education.

·         They develop the concept of measures of relationship.

·          They develop the ability to organize relevant educational data and are able to represent them through graphs.

·          They develop skill in analyzing and displaying data.

·         They get practical knowledge of tabulating score and analyzing them statistically.

DSE A2- Educational Thought of Great Educators


·         Students develop an understanding of educational ideas of Indian and Western Educators.

·         They understand pedagogical concepts given by Indian and Western educational thinkers.

DSE B1- Teacher Education


·         They understand the basic concept of teacher education.

·          They can explain the historical perspective and development of teacher education in India.

·         They understand the Role of the different agencies in teacher education.

·         To make an idea about some Courses for preparation of teacher.

VI CC – 13 = Psychology of Adjustment


·         They understand the concept of adjustment, maladjustment and some commonly found problem behavior.

·         They know the multi-axial classification of mental disorders.

·         They become aware about different coping strategies for stressful situation.

·         They develop the knowledge of the administration, scoring and interpretation of the psychological tests.

CC – 14 = Basic Concept of Educational Research


·          They develop a concept of educational research.

·          They learn about the various steps to be followed for conducting a research.

·         They learn how to write a research proposal and review research papers

DSE A3= Gender and Society


·         They understand the basic terms, concepts used in gender studies.

·         They understand the gender discrimination in construction and dissemination of knowledge.

·           They develop an awareness and sensitivity.

  DSE B4= Women Education


·         They know the historical perspectives of Women Education.

·         They know the Policy Perspectives and Committees and Commissions on Women Education.

·          They understand the role of Indian thinkers towards Women Education.

·         They identify major constraints of Women Education and Women Empowerment.

To ensure all-round development of the students and to assist them in the core explicit curriculum certificate/add-on course was introduced in the Department just after the COVID period. These courses were designed only for the current education honours students

In the session 2021-22 the certificate on course on “Mental Health awareness” began. After the covid period students started coming to college and they lacked motivation in joining in mainstream education. Some of the suffered from depression and anxiety. Thus, to bring them back to class in regular mode and restore their mental health the course was introduced where mostly 3motivational speeches were given by teachers and various problems were discussed.

In the session 2022-23 another certificate course in “Teaching and Research aptitude was introduced keeping in mind the need for scientific thinking and research-oriented skill development in students which was the need of the hour.


Sl No Session Name of the Certificate Course Duration Date of commencement Number of participants
1 2021-22 Mental Health Awareness 30 hours 18.04.2022 89
3 2022-23 Teaching and Research Aptitude 30 hours 08.08.2022 90

Recognizing, identifying, and fostering the unique capabilities of each student is the main aim of Teaching Learning of Department of Education. Creative and critical thinking is encouraged in the teaching learning activities of the students in this department. Holistic and Multidisciplinary approaches are being taken in to consideration. In accordance with the academic calendar the department prepares teaching plan which is distributed among teachers prior to the starting of a new semester. Work load distribution is done in accordance with the Departmental Routine and number of classes allotted to each faculty. Regular classes are held and lot of emphasis is laid on classroom teaching. As this basically a theory-based subject most of the classes are theory based, two papers are there for practical classes. Apart from that students actively participate in preparing wall magazine based on the topic from their course papers at regular interval. Students participate in various curricular and cocurricular activities through the year inside the institution and also outside the institution.
Classroom Teaching learning
Classroom teaching is the main pillar of teaching learning of our Department. Most of the syllabus is covered by taking regular classes by teachers. Topics are explained and study material is provided to the students.


Inter disciplinary Lecture
To cater to the multidisciplinary approach of the curriculum, interdisciplinary classes are organised from time to time. Department organise interdisciplinary with department of Philosophy, English, Bengali and Political Science
Some of the topics of lecture conducted by departments are

Department Topic Taken by Date of Class
English Art Artificiality and Plato Prof. Mamata Sarkar 26.11.2019
Philosophy Indian Philosophy Sri Vivek Manna 18.04.22
Bengali Educational thought of Rabindranath tagore Dr. Ruma Chakrabarti 21.11.22
Political Science Gender Violence and laws Prof Lupsy Mohanty Roy 27.03.23

Glimpses of some of the Interdisciplinary Lecture



Glimpses of some of the ICT class

  • Dr. Marisha Chakrabarti taking ICT class on Psychology of Education- Growth and Development, Semester II , 2019
  • Dr. Anindita Guha presenting PPT on Intelligence, Semester II, 2022
  • Smt. Sipra Tudu presenting PPT on Educational Research to the students of Semster VI,2023

Student Seminar
Students participates in various seminar organized by the department from time to time. As an activity for advanced learner students are asked to speak on various topics related to their syllabus. Students pepare their lecture and present them.

Project Presentation
Semester 6 students present their research proposal as a part of curricular activity (Tutorial project) of their prescribed syllabus from University of Calcutta.
Quiz and Debate
Students of our Department Participated in Quiz and Debate organised by the institution

Participation in Women’s Day


Wall Magazine
Academic session 2018-19

  • As all the higher education institute aims towards all-round development of students, literary activities always hold very eminent position in that. This aims :-

•Enrich students with advanced knowledge
• Cultivation of students’ creative mind
The Department of Education Publish wall magazine in the name of  “SKIKSHA DARPAN”  e very year. In 2018-2019,the 3rd year students led by Rinku Naskar, Antara mali, Sujay Halder, Satyajit Jalani and others made a wall magazine on “Uses of statistics in Education “ titled “শিক্ষা ক্ষেত্রে রাশিবিজ্ঞান এর ব্যবহার
Major topic covered
• Normal probability curve : Its property and figure drawn for better visual effect
• Use for graphical representation as line graph (polygon, bar graph etc
• Percentile point and percentile ranks which will help them to compare their results with others

The literary importance is so immense that students will have a sustainable development on the above

Published on Dec 2018 (3rd year Students)
2.  In the second half of the academic session 2018-2019 during March 2019 during teacher’s meeting it was decided that as the previous wall magazine came with a huge success another group of students will make another wall magazine
With a different topic
Which aims to
• Increase Literary expression of students,
• Enhancement of sound knowledge over educational psychology
As Psychology of Education is a very important paper of Education, Honours students, selected this field for preparing the next wall magazine, a group of students lead by Dipika Mondal, Pranati Mondal and others made a wall magazine titled “শিখন এর সুত্রাবলী “Laws of Learning. This includes
• Learning its characteristics.
• Conditioning theory of learning, which will make them understand how they learn.

• Operant conditioning by Skinner which will make them understand the value of internal motivation and willingness to learn.

Published on March 2019 ( 2nd year Students)


Academic Session 2019-2020
Topic: Educational Policy in the Pre Independent period.
Date of Publication- December 2019
Participating students: 3rd year Students
Description:  The Magazine focused on Educational policies of British Period. The British Government educational policies laid emphasis on promoting education through English language. They opposed the Occidentalist view and supported Orientalist views. Thus the magazine focused on the policies and principles adopted by the Government from the period 1800 to 1882.

Published on Dec, 2019 (3rd year students)
Academic Session 2021-22
Due to covid outburst our next wall magazine was published on December 2021, as college finally opened during November 2021.
3. In November 2021 after reopening of the college the students of 6th Semester prepared wall magazine on the topic GREAT EDUCATOR. Which aimed to
•Enhance students knowledge about great educators.
•To know about the influence of thought of Great Educators and its relevance in modern education.
A group of students lead by Asim, Swagata, Rabindranath, Swarnali, Prity and others  made a wall magazine titled “শিক্ষা ক্ষেত্রে মহান শিক্ষাবিদদের প্রভাব “
This incudes
• Rabindranath Tagore’s educational contributions.
• Vivekananda’s Educational thought.

• Montessori’s Child centric Educational thinking.
.                                 Publishes on Dec, 2021 ( 6th Semester students)
4. After we got introduced to CBCS system a new paper named TEACHING SKILL was introduced in the course and the students of 4th semester prepared a wall magazine on Teaching Skills which was published on May 2022. It aimed to :-
• Introduction of knowledge about the art of teaching
• Spreading awareness about the process of classroom teaching.
A group of students lead by
Anish pal, Megha mondal, Arumita chaudhuri Indranil dutta and others made an wall magazine titled “ শিক্ষণ দক্ষতা “
Which included
•Skill of introducing a lesson
• skill of explaining
•skill of blackboard
•skill of reinforcement

•skill of questioning
Published on May 2022 ( 4th Semester Students)

Academic Session 2022-23

5. Apart from fixed curriculum we have always encouraged our students to explore different areas of knowledge. During the session 2022-2023 we have focused in making wall magazine apart from our regular syllabus, our students have selected the function’s of brain as a area of wall magazine.  It was published on Nov 2022 with a view that.
•Understand the process of knowing .
• Will explore how we learn.
This wall magazine has explored different area of brain and neurons
A group of students lead by Parna, Sanjana, Jasmine and others made a wall magazine titled “জ্ঞান এর শ্নায়বিক ভিত্তি “
Which included
• Figure of brain
• Function of brain
• Function of different part of brain

• Neurons: Axon and Dendron
Published on November 2022 (6th Semester)

Result and Students Progress


Year of Passing Appeared Passed Pass Percentage (%) No. of students achieving first class
2018 13 12 92.30 NIL
2019 26 23 88.46 02
2020 25 24 96 07
2021 35 31 88.57 31
2022 31 30 96.77 25


Student Progression to Higher Education

Year No. of Students Pursuing MA in Regular Course No. of Students Pursuing MA in Regular Course Total
2018 05  02 07
2019 04 03 07
2020 03 05 08
2021 02 03 05
 2022 03 03 06


Students Qualifying NET/SET in last 5 years

Sr No. Name of Student Year of Qualifying Name of Examination
1. Satyajit Jalani 2023 SET
2 Nassiruddin Ahmed 2023 SET
3. Nassiruddin Ahmed 2023 NET
3. Asim Kumar Mondal 2024 SET


Students Pursuing Professional Courses

Sr No. Name of Student Course Year of Admission Institution
1. Arpan Banik B.Ed 2020 Anil Krishna Mahavidyalaya
2. Sujoy Halder B.Ed 2020 Anjali Memorial College of Education
3. Priyanka Biswas B.Ed. 2020 Shishu Bikas College
4. Mamata Jana B.Ed. 2020 Lt. Abhishek Roy Teacher’s Training College
5. Antara Maiti B.Ed. 2020 Annapurna Memorial College of Education
6. Rajkumar Halder B.Ed. 2021 Lt. Abhishek Roy Teacher’s Training College
7. Anima Saha B.Ed. 2021
8. Swarnali Guria LLB 2021 Vidyasar University
9. Satyajit Jalani B.Ed. 2021 Sabuj B.Ed. College
10. Chetana Mondal B.Ed. 2021 Sunderban Anil Krishna Mahavidyalaya
11. Sanjana Khatun B.Ed. 2021 Sishu Bikash College of Education
12. Papri Roy B.Ed. 2021 M. Hossain Teacher’s Training Institute
13. Sandip Mondal B.Ed. 2021 Sundarban Minority B.Ed College
14. Swagata Das B.Ed. 2021 Sundarban Asutosh B.Ed College
15. Suvajit Naskar Diploma Mechanical dept. 2021 Sri Ramkrishna Science and Technology, AICTE approved
16 Poulami Hazra B.Ed. 2021 Fakir Chand College
17. Sumana Nath B.Ed. 2021 Annapurna Memorial College of Education
18. Asim Kumar Mondal B.Ed. 2023 Ramkrishna Mission Sikkhan Mandir
19. Rabindranath Mondal B.Ed. 2023 Ramkrishna Mission Sikkhan Mandir
20. Prity Maity B.Ed. 2023 Sundarban Minority B.Ed College


Our Achievers

Students of our Department excelled in both Academic and Co-curricular activities. They get placement in various sectors after completion of the course.

Our Achiever in Academics

  • Asim Kumar Mondal Ranked 12th in University of Calcutta in Graduation with 80.81% of Marks.
  • Asim Kumar Mondal and Rabindranath Mondal after completing M.A. in Education (2023) are Pursuing B.Ed. from Belurmath Ramkrishna Mission Sikkhan Mandir.
  • Satyajit Jalani and Nassiruddin Ahmed qualified WBSET Examination 2023.
  • Swarnali Guria pursuing LLB from Vidyasagar University (2021)


Our Achievers in Co-curricular activities

  • Amit Baidya stood 2nd in Poster painting at Inter- College Cultural Competition organised by Naba Ballygunge Mahavidyalaya. (2018)
  • Mamata Jana secured 1st position in International Mother Language Day Celebration at Sammilani Mahavidyalaya for her speech in Bengali language. (2018)
  • Amit Baidya acquired 2nd position in Craft (T-shirt Printing) at Zoo Festival at Zoological Garden Alipore. (2019)
  • Asima Mondal secured 2nd position in 100 Meter Race at College Annual Sports. (2019)
  • Amit Baidya secured Runner Rank in Wall Painting contest organised by St. Paul’s Cathedral Mission College Students’ Union. (2020)
  • Anima Saha received prize for highest attendance in Departmental Program.
  • Anish Pal stood 1st in Elocution at Inter College University Cultural Competition organised by Ramkrishna Mission Residential College & Mahavidyalaya Praktani (2022).
  • Anish Pal secred 1st position in Extempore at Inter- College Cultural Competition organised by Sammilani Mahavidyalaya. (2022)
  • Anish Pal secured 1st position in both Debate and Extempore at Inter- College Competition organised by University of Calcutta at College Street Campus. (2022)
  • Anish Pal secured 3rd position in Inter- College Competition organised by Bhangar Mahavidyalaya. (2023)

Our Students’ Placement Profile


Serial no. Name Year of passing Name of Company
1. Riya Rudra Paul 2018 Shyamsundar Co. Jewellers Pvt. LTD.
2. Priyanka Biswas 2018 Sangrami Nagar Vidyapith
3. Asima Mondal 2020 FMC (Pesticide Company)
4. Bijoyeta Banik 2020 Sun knowledge LTD

  • Students of our Department publish Wall Magazine in the name of “Sikkha Darpan” where students illustrate topics from their syllabus in their own creative way.
  • Regular Freshers welcome of incoming students and farewell of outgoing students are organised by the students every year.
  • Students of our Department organize Teacher’s Day programme every year.
  • Our first Departmental picnic was organised jointly by students and teachers of the Department on 18th Dec 2022.
  • Departmental teachers conduct regular Parent-Teacher meeting where discussion about student’s progress and their attendance are given utmost importance.
  • Department organises Interdisciplinary lectures and Departmental Seminars.
  • Students of our department participate in various activities of colleges as well. Following are the activities which the students of Education department participated in the last 5years.
    • 3rd year students along with teachers participated in the program organised by PC Chandra for Gyan Dhara Prakalpa (2019).
    • 1st year students of Department participated in cleaning drive of Campus organised by NSS unit of our college in (2019).
    • Students’ 5th Semester of our department participated in food festival organised by college where they gave a food stall of Indian cuisine (2022).
    • Students participated in Book Fare Organized by the College. (2022)
    • Sabarnaa Adhikary Participated in Self Defence Program organised by Women’s Forum of the College. (2022)
    • On International Mother Language Day students of 6th Semester participated in cultural program and delivered speech (2023).
    • Students of 6th semester presented poster on International Women’s Day. (2023)
    • Girl students of 2nd, 4th and 6th Semester participated in Youth Convention organised by Ramakrisha Sarada Mission Vidya Mandir (2023).

Our Achievers

Students of our Department excelled in both Academic and Co-curricular activities. They get placement in various sectors after completion of the course.

Our Achiever in Academics

  • Asim Kumar Mondal Ranked 12th in University of Calcutta in Graduation with 80.81% of Marks.
  • Asim Kumar Mondal and Rabindranath Mondal after completing M.A. in Education (2023) are Pursuing B.Ed. from Belurmath Ramkrishna Mission Sikkhan Mandir.
  • Satyajit Jalani and Nassiruddin Ahmed qualified WBSET Examination 2023.
  • Swarnali Guria pursuing LLB from Vidyasagar University (2021)

Our Achievers in Co-curricular activities

  • Amit Baidya stood 2nd in Poster painting at Inter- College Cultural Competition organised by Naba Ballygunge Mahavidyalaya. (2018)
  • Mamata Jana secured 1st position in International Mother Language Day Celebration at Sammilani Mahavidyalaya for her speech in Bengali language. (2018)
  • Amit Baidya acquired 2nd position in Craft (T-shirt Printing) at Zoo Festival at Zoological Garden Alipore. (2019)
  • Asima Mondal secured 2nd position in 100 Meter Race at College Annual Sports. (2019)
  • Amit Baidya secured Runner Rank in Wall Painting contest organised by St. Paul’s Cathedral Mission College Students’ Union. (2020)
  • Anima Saha received prize for highest attendance in Departmental Program.
  • Anish Pal stood 1st in Elocution at Inter College University Cultural Competition organised by Ramkrishna Mission Residential College & Mahavidyalaya Praktani (2022).
  • Anish Pal secred 1st position in Extempore at Inter- College Cultural Competition organised by Sammilani Mahavidyalaya. (2022)
  • Anish Pal secured 1st position in both Debate and Extempore at Inter- College Competition organised by University of Calcutta at College Street Campus. (2022)
  • Anish Pal secured 3rd position in Inter- College Competition organised by Bhangar Mahavidyalaya. (2023)

In the session 2022-23 a Mou has been signed between Sammilani Mahavidyalaya and Bankim Sardar College. The MoU was signed on 06.09.22. As a result of Faculty exchange and professional development program Dr. Marisha Chakrabarti took 2 hours class on Writing Research Report. Class Details are given below:

Date Semester Duration Topic of Discussion No. of students attended
20.02.2023 V 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Writing Research Report 36



In session 2023-2024 a MoU has been signed with this Institution and Shirakole Mahavidyalaya. Dr. Sk. Rezaul Hoque, Assistant Prof Department of Education, Shirakole Mahavidyalaya took classes as a part of Faculty Exchange Program. Class details are given below:

Date Semester Duration Topic of Discussion No. of students attended
09.02.2024 I 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM Narrow and broader concept of education. 42
12.02.2024 I 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM Indian School of Philosophy- Vedic Philosophy 41
10.02.2024 III 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM Concepts of Guidance and Counselling. 30

Parampara Study Circle

Alumni students of Education department has taken the initiative of organizing lecture series for their junior brothers and sisters studying in this institution. This is an initiative of the Alumni of this college. The initiative is known as Parampara study circle where ex-students qualifying Master degree with 55% and above are eligible to take classes. This academic interaction of ‘past’ and ‘present’ facilitates knowledge sharing as well as transfer of knowledge. Two of such students of our department are selected for sharing their knowledge with the current semester students. Two students who are currently involved in sharing their knowledge are:

Name of the Student Graduation Completion year Year of Passing Masters and University NET/SET Professional Course
1.      Satyajit Jalani 2018


University of Calcutta

24th SET




2.      Asim Kumar Mondal 2021


University of Calcutta

25th SET


Pursuing B.Ed from Belurmath Ramkrishna Mission


Alumni Class Details are shown below:

Name of the Alumni Topic Taught Session with date Semister No. of Particpant
Asim Kumar Mondal Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objective


Date: 20.03.2023

IV 20
Satyajjit Jalani Educational Research, Meaning, nature and types

Session: 2022-23


VI 22
Asim Kumar Mondal Sampling Techniques

Session- 2023-2024


VI 25

Book Fair

Departmental Picnic

Departmental seminar

Farewell 6th sem

Food Festival

Gyandhara Prakalpa PC Chandra Garden

NSS activity

Participation in women's day



Research Proposal Presentation

Retirement of former Principal Sir

Teacher's Day

Wall Magazine

Youth Convention