Campus Rules and Regulations

  • Students are required to maintain regular attendance as given below:
  • Attendance of 75% and above is required to qualify as a Collegiate Student.
  • Attendance of 60% to 74% will make a student Non-Collegiate.
  • Attendance below 60% will make a student ineligible for appearing in University Examination.
  • Students who are absent for more than 7 consecutive days are liable to have their names deleted from the register. Students who are absent for 5 consecutive Honours Period must take permission from the Principal/H.O.D for attending further classes.
  • Laboratory-based students who do not attend theoretical classes regularly shall not be permitted to attend practical classes.
  • Students must pass the college examinations for being sent up for the University
  • Any student absent from any examination on medical grounds must submit before the end of the examination or within three days of its termination a Medical Certificate and a letter to the Principal/ H.O.D from the guardian stating the ground for his/her absence. Such cases may be considered with sympathy, but it must be understood that illness is not itself a valid excuse.Students must carry Identity Cards with them during college hours inside the campus.
  • Students are to pay their fees within the 20th of every current month at the Axis Bank after necessary endorsement from the college on week days within the banking hours. Otherwise his / her name will be deleted from the register and re-admission will be permitted only after payment of due fees. Further a fine @ Rs. 10/- per month will be charged in case of default.
  • Students must be in their classes and take their seats at the beginning of each period. They must not enter or leave the class room without permission during lecture hours.
  • College property, furniture, library books etc. must be treated with due care.
  • Impersonation at roll-call is a punishable offense.
  • Students are required to check the NOTICE BOARD regularly for important announcements.
  • Students are expected to be formally and decently dressed while in the college.
  • Smoking, chewing tobacco products, use of foul language, spitting and loitering are strictly prohibited within the college campus.